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Turkey is using illegal immigration as a weapon against Greece and Europe — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

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Turkey is using illegal immigration as a weapon against Greece and Europe

by sheikyermami on September 10, 2012

Of course they do. Not only Turkey. They all use ‘immigration as a weapon’. Just like Indonesia is inflicting the so-called ‘boat-people’ on Australia. Just like the late ‘colonel’ Gaddafi got the EU dhimmies to pay him handsomely to control the steady stream of Arab & African surplus humanity that made their way across the Mediterranean to Italy. No matter what, they just keep coming. Because we let them.

Whether its Iran, Irak, Pakistan, India or any African country, all of these nations steadfastly refuse to take their citizens back. As if that wasn’t bad enough already, there is the support industry of social workers, of human rights shysters, complicit polit-props and leftist subversives who are working towards the destruction of our society.

No matter how much jiziya we pay to islamic despots, they will still encourage Islamic immigration to civilised countries in order to make u

via Turkey is using illegal immigration as a weapon against Greece and Europe — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami.

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