9/11 Anniversary: Obama Administration Apologizes to Muslim Mobs

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On the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 murders of thousands by Muslim terrorists, the terrorists were at it again as two mobs in two Islamic countries attacked two American diplomatic facilities, killing at least one American and wounding another.

The Obama Administration’s reaction was to send a swift and clear message to the Muslim radicals rampaging through the streets of the newly “democratic” countries we helped create: We understand why you’re upset, and we’re sorry.

The excuse for the murderous attacks was a film by Sam Bacile, an Israeli-American real-estate developer who posted clips on YouTube. The film allegedly portrays Islam’s founder, Mohammed, as a child molester, womanizer and killer.

OK, reality check: According to historical sources, Mohammed married Aisha when she was 6 years old, and he started having sex with her when she was 9. Mohammed had several other wives as well. And he is recorded as having ordered hundreds of beheadings. I haven’t seen the film yet, but it sounds like Muslims are, yet again, upset at someone telling the truth about Mohammed.

Here is the statement issued by the Obama Administration in reaction to the Muslim attacks:

“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.”

GOP contender Mitt Romney sounded a whole lot more presidential:

“I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi.  It’s disgraceful that the Obama Administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”

The same day that we were being attacked, it was revealed that the administration is negotiating a deal to give the Muslim Brotherhood $1 billion for buying Russian submarines.

Officials are “wondering” if the attacks were coordinated. It seems pretty obvious they were, probably by that same Muslim Brotherhood our illustrious president thinks he has as a reliable ally in the Mideast.

If Obama wants to apologize, let him apologize for pretending to be a competent president.


From: tulay luciano [[email protected]]

My Comment:

If this article is chosen to prove that how some extremists in the U.S. twisting the fact  that is ok to include in the Turkish Forum.

If you want to learn about this fanatic, please read his website: Political Outcast with subtitle confronting the establishment since 1776.

You will be enlightened.

It is a great shame that the ambassodor’s message which was trying to calm the waters made a disgusting political issue.


Jerry • 2 hours ago

Personally I feel that only a traitor and an idiot would go around apologizing to a bunch of maggot mobsters.
67 1


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Granpa David • 2 hours ago • parent

He hates this country and his “hope” and “change” is he “hope” to destroy our system and “change” it to an income redistribution communist system.


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fryer01 • an hour ago • parent

and there are actually REAL people who will for for this @#@$@# shame on america !!!


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Raymond • 40 minutes ago • parent

Obama supporter explains why she supports him…
Show 1 new reply


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daves • 44 minutes ago • parent

Romney’s latest foreign policy flub began late Tuesday night, when he broke his own “no politics on September 11th” embargo to release a statement
slamming President Barack Obama for alleged sympathy toward those who
attacked the embassies in Cairo and Benghazi.

“It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was
not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize
with those who waged the attacks,” Romney said.

The problem, of course, is that President Obama did no such thing.
The response to which Romney was referring — in which the U.S. Embassy
in Cairo condemned “the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to
hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend
believers of all religions” — was released several hours before the
embassies were attacked. In other words, it was not a response at all.

Furthermore, on Tuesday night the White House distanced itself from
the Cairo embassy’s statement — telling ABC News that “no one in
Washington approved that statement before it was released and it doesn’t
reflect the views of the U.S. government” — and Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton issued a statement of her own, saying “let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.”

On Wednesday morning, faced with the fact that his attack was absurdly misleading, Romney nevertheless chose to double down.
0 5


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Wayne Peterkin • 29 minutes ago • parent

The embassy statement was very poor regardless of the timing when issued. Since each embassy represents our State Dept., they also represent the administration. It was a statement deriding free speech and American values; and therefore inexcusable. By the way, more recent reporting indicates that the attacks may have had nothing to do with that movie but had been planned for sometime to occur on 9/11.


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T • 2 hours ago

This is the most shameful and cowardly president ever to walk the halls of the white house!


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joe • 2 hours ago

They’re his muslim al qaeda brothers, what do we expect.


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Eric Zarahn • 2 hours ago

I would accept no apology from Obama. He’s the enemy.


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cowgirl20 • 2 hours ago • parent

Yes he is the enemy and it’s too bad that more of his “supporters” can’t see it.


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leaping1 • 2 hours ago

And any American would vote for this effin, lying, racist, illegal alien, non U.S. Citizen, Muslim P.O.S.?


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Tiger716 • 2 hours ago • parent

Oh yeah. There are a whole bunch of stupid sheeple out there who are going to vote for the jerk again. Ran into one today on the road. We had a bit of a verbal one-on-one. Apparently she didn’t like that I gave her the thumbs down to her Obama ’12 sticker and at a red light came up to us and asked what our problem was. We decided to enlighten her since she was really so stupid. Her brilliant retort was “Well! You need to keep your opinions to yourself!” Really? Some one correct me….is the 1st Amendment only for idiot liberals? I didn’t think so. She wasn’t too happy with our remarks but I think she got the message.


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cowgirl20 • 2 hours ago • parent

Excellent, keep up the good work. I have a couple of friends that are not registered to vote but keep complaining about odumbo….so far I have gotten one of them to register and I am working on the other one. I think I’m winning but It’s too early to tell. I am going to show him this article tomorrow and then take him for a drive to the court house to register.
16 1


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KimmyInCali • an hour ago • parent

I have 4 bumper stickers on the back of my car…one on the left that says “Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for him!” and two on the right “How’s that whole hopey changy thing workin out for ya?” with a Big “Obummer” sticker below that. Of course a “MITT for President” sticker above in the middle. I am happy to say I have had more positive reaction than negative (1 hispanic) I have also been asked if I worry about some koolaide drinking liberal on the left vandalizing my car? No, I don’t. I believe this man is a danger to the United States I have grown up in and USED TO know. Also, It is worth the risk to protect my children and grandchildren’s future!


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Jack • an hour ago • parent

I hope you also gave her a one finger salute too


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krdave • an hour ago • parent

I was talking to 3 upper middle class white women who are all gaga over Obama and they just couldn’t believe that I felt the way I did. I said that I couldn’t understand how they felt because of the Muslim treatment of women and what Sharia law meant to women. Not a one of them had heard of Sharia law and didn’t believe what I was telling them. They kept saying he was a Christian and wouldn’t allow that stuff to happen.—–Go figure


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cowgirl20 • an hour ago • parent

I don’t understand how anyone can be gaga over odumbo, they must be braindead idiots. It only takes less than an ounce of brains to see what this muslim fraud is doing to America and Americans.


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lolajmay • an hour ago • parent

It’s next to impossible to get through to liberals. They love to keep talking over any common sense words we give them. “Don’t give me any facts” is a perfect motto for them. Don’t know how many facts it would take for most of them to get the message that Obama wants to take this country down. For me, it only took listening to him the first time, and not believing anything he said!!


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Ort • an hour ago • parent

Tiger: it would have taken all my will not to clobber the idiot.


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Roger Behrens • an hour ago • parent

Communists and Marxists always try to silence the truth. Good for you.
Some people might have given her the one finger salute.


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fryer01 • an hour ago • parent

they can’t be americans….none of them….he is our enemy..thats it folks WAKE UP !!!! APOLIGING TO THEM??? LOW…REAL LOW !!!!!


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pointdan • 2 hours ago

Nov 6th cannot get here soon enough . . . .
Obama is a nightmare x 10 and counting .


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jbenat97 • 2 hours ago

How about everyone who voted for this poor excuse for a President apologizing to the rest of us!


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krdave • an hour ago • parent

How ’bout just moving them all to Iran?


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fryer01 • an hour ago • parent

when obama kills their family in some manner maybe they will wake up….shame on them !!!!!!


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cae973 • 2 hours ago

obama owes an apology to the American people who he has deceived, misled and failed in everyway imaginable!


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gmarshall • 2 hours ago

Just another reason we have to vote this guy out of the White House. Read the book by Ed Klein, “The Amateur” and you’ll understand why this administration is so incompetent.


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529_Barb • 2 hours ago • parent

….and while your at it…..read Fool me Twice and get the video Dreams from my REAL Father……..it’ll cause you cardiac arrest.


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fryer01 • an hour ago • parent

read the book…and ALL truths….wild just wild…so true…and complete…this guy is a monster out to ruin our country..and anyone who votes for them are in the same bracket…god help them !!!!!


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BillS • 2 hours ago

Very interesting comment on the radio this morning by a caller. Who is
really to blame? The caller pointed out that the attackers were shouting
” We are a thousand bin Ladens Obama” This strongly suggests that the
constant spiking of the football by the President, the DNC, Biden with
his “bin Laden is dead GM is alive” bumper sticker, is the real reason
for the violence and murders not the movie or Terry Jones. The rapid
response by the left to blame Governor Romney, the movie and Terry
Jones is once again irrefutable evidence that the mainstream media is
totally in the tank for Obama and is typical of the Administration’s
total refusal to take responsibility for anything that happens that does
not support his presidency or the left agenda.


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colleenf • 2 hours ago • parent

If these idiots in the media thing obama and his thugs will protect them when he finally attempts his take over of our country and declares himself dictator……they are sadly mistaken.
The press is one of the things that the communists take over as they take over a nation.
THEY are the stupid cows.


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Jack • an hour ago • parent

They have already succeeded in taking over almost all of the media


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adamenochnoah • 2 hours ago

Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”

George Washington


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Doodlebug • 6 hours ago

This really shows what an arrogant, lying, nose in the air dummicrat donkey this jerk is! Romney certainly did show himself to be more presidential in his response. Who do you want to answer the phone when it rings at 3:00 a.m.?


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Warren • 2 hours ago • parent

OH DOODLEBUG…. Didn’t you hear all of the Liberal rhetoric after Governor Romney spoke. They were up in arms because he was critical of the way Obama’s Administration handled this. LET’S SEND THEM TO LYBIA TO REPLACE THE AMERICAN’S THAT WERE JUST KILLED FOR DOING THEIR JOB’S… I’m beginning to LOATHE these people that think their way should be the ONLY WAY..!


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Jerry Ray Johnson • 2 hours ago • parent

get him on his cell phone on the golf links


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T-Mex • 2 hours ago • parent

He won’t answer. Unless the call is from one of his Muslim cohorts or co-conspirators. You and I are insignificant and unimportant in this impostor’s eyes. What a national disgrace and embarrassment Obama is. Counting the days when I can do my part to kick his butt out of office. The White House will have to be well disinfected after he’s gone.


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fryer01 • an hour ago • parent

someday soon..we will never have to see obama and piggy ever again..out of sight out of mind…we are all having a HUGE party like a super bowl only LARGER..”.BYE BYE PIGGIES…..HELLO AMERICA “


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fryer01 • an hour ago • parent

MITT by far….i listened to day and MITT was more presential..them odumbo.. obama ewas reading what someone else wrote…..mitt read from his heart!!! big difference!!!( i doubt after 4 yrs..obama can’t even find the phone !!)


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Roger Behrens • 31 minutes ago • parent

Obozo doesn’t believe in the goodness of this country. He hates traditional American values as all of the nutcases on the left do. Romney needs to show some spine and talk about how food and gas prices have gone up under Odumbo. How the American family has lost net worth under this administration. The Canadian Dollar is now worth more than the U.S. Dollar. We are also about to have our credit rating lowered again.


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Screeminmeeme • 10 hours ago

SOMEONE SHOOT ME!!……….Pleez………

Here we go again! Our Ambassador to Libya and 3 other embassy workers have been murdered, our embassy stormed, our flag destroyed and the Islamic flag raised on what is America soil!!

In Egypt, a similar scene, but thank God, without the loss of life.

Once again, the ”Religion of Peace” is proving it is neither. That these events took place on 911 is not lost to those of us who understand Islam. NOTHING is done without there being some connection to a past event in Islamic history. In fact, the 911 attacks on America were payback for something that happened in 1683,

In that year, 138,000 Muslims Ottoman Turks surrounded Vienna, Austria, which was defended by only 11,000 Hapsburg soldiers. For two months they starved Vienna’s troops.. Then the Polish King, Jan Sobieski, left his own country undefended and led a coalition of 81,000 Polish-Austiran-German forces to Vienna’s rescue…on SEPTEMBER 11, 1683 and within 30 minutes time, the battle was won.

The Battle of Vienna, a war between Muslims and Christians ended the 300 year continuous effort of Islam to conquer Europe. And so it was an apt date to loose the vengeance of allah on ”Christian” America in the greatest act of war in our history.

Yesterday’s attacks are also ACTS OF WAR and the government responds with an appeasing apology!!

Once more with feeling: THESE ARE ACTS OF WAR!!

Ironically, in May, the White House released a statement saying that the war on terror is over. That might come as a surprise to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and to all of our embassy officials in the MIddle East.

We need to IMMEDIATELY stop all transfers of money from our gov to Egypt.
We need to IMMEDIATELY close both embassies and bring all Americans home.
We need to IMMEDIATELY deport the Egyptian and Libyan Ambassadors and their staffs from the U.S.
We need to IMMEDIATELY send ships to the area as a show of strength and in readiness to respond with force.




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Shell • 2 hours ago • parent

The thing that is most difficult to absorb is the people who will still vote and support this man who is ILLEGAL, and has had a FAILURE OF THIS ADMINISTRATION, and is determined to destroy this nation, and want 4 more years to finish it. If he doesn’t win watch what he will do between Nov. and Jan. He will try to take us down and I am afraid CONGRESS (Reid and Pelosi, ad infinitum) will help him do it!


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gooseroot • 2 hours ago • parent

november 7th he should be executed for being a spy.


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lolajmay • an hour ago • parent

Obama should be impeached, but continue on with the process to get him completely out of offIce. Bill Clinton got to stay after his impeachent. They need to start the proceeding now, IF ONLY CONGRESS HAD A BACKBONE AND BRAINS.


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Jack • an hour ago • parent

Not unless he can convince the members of congress to go along with him & the house is controlled by the gop so he can only do so much more damage


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Indylady • 37 minutes ago • parent

He can still issue executive orders, Jack.


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Mark Ward • an hour ago • parent

WHY the FOCK should WE give a Rat’s Rear End about “hurting the feelings” of Muslims – when THEY don’t give a Rat’s Rear End about MURDERING our embassador (and others)?!

WHERE are the (so-called) “Muslim Leaders” CONDEMNING the actions of “their” people?

Don’t tell ME we have to “understand” that MOST Muslims are “peace loving” people – when THEY are UNABLE (or unwilling) to IMMEDIATELY condemn the actions of their fellow Muslims (albeit the “Radical” wing thereof)!!!

What’s a SHAME, is you KNOW there would be IMMEDIATE CONDEMNATION (from Obama, the Democrats and the “Main Stream” Media) if some group of Christians (or Jews) were to “occupy” the Muslim “community center” near Ground Zero!


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Screeminmeeme • an hour ago • parent

Mark Ward….Those of us with a brain who are not politically correct don’t give a rat’s behind about hurting their feelings.

PC is avoidance of the truth and it is killing America. We need to call Islam what it is: our enemy and the enemy of all non-muslims.

NO doubt about it….if Christians and Jews began acting like the Muslims, Obama would declare martial law and lock us all up.



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Jack • an hour ago • parent

Let’s also get every muslim out of this country too, they are mandated to have 11 children it only a matter of time before they take over America, & with 11 children they collect welfare. Take a look at Detroit to see what can happen to the entire country


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fryer01 • an hour ago • parent



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Leave a message…
    Jerry 2 hours ago


    Personally I feel that only a traitor and an idiot would go around apologizing to a bunch of maggot mobsters.

      Granpa David 2 hours ago parent



      He hates this country and his “hope” and “change” is he “hope” to destroy our system and “change” it to an income redistribution communist system.

      fryer01 an hour ago parent



      and there are actually REAL people who will for for this @#@$@# shame on america !!!

    • Raymond 40 minutes ago parent



      Obama supporter explains why she supports him…

      daves 44 minutes ago parent



      Romney’s latest foreign policy flub began late Tuesday night, when he broke his own “no politics on September 11th” embargo to release a statement
      slamming President Barack Obama for alleged sympathy toward those who
      attacked the embassies in Cairo and Benghazi.

      “It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was
      not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize
      with those who waged the attacks,” Romney said.

      The problem, of course, is that President Obama did no such thing.
      The response to which Romney was referring — in which the U.S. Embassy
      in Cairo condemned “the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to
      hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend
      believers of all religions” — was released several hours before the
      embassies were attacked. In other words, it was not a response at all.

      Furthermore, on Tuesday night the White House distanced itself from
      the Cairo embassy’s statement — telling ABC News that “no one in
      Washington approved that statement before it was released and it doesn’t
      reflect the views of the U.S. government” — and Secretary of State
      Hillary Clinton issued a statement of her own, saying “let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.”

      On Wednesday morning, faced with the fact that his attack was absurdly misleading, Romney nevertheless chose to double down.

        Wayne Peterkin 29 minutes ago parent



        The embassy statement was very poor regardless of the timing when issued. Since each embassy represents our State Dept., they also represent the administration. It was a statement deriding free speech and American values; and therefore inexcusable. By the way, more recent reporting indicates that the attacks may have had nothing to do with that movie but had been planned for sometime to occur on 9/11.

    T 2 hours ago



    This is the most shameful and cowardly president ever to walk the halls of the white house!

    joe 2 hours ago



    They’re his muslim al qaeda brothers, what do we expect.

  • Eric Zarahn 2 hours ago



    I would accept no apology from Obama. He’s the enemy.

      cowgirl20 2 hours ago parent



      Yes he is the enemy and it’s too bad that more of his “supporters” can’t see it.

    leaping1 2 hours ago



    And any American would vote for this effin, lying, racist, illegal alien, non U.S. Citizen, Muslim P.O.S.?

      Tiger716 2 hours ago parent



      Oh yeah. There are a whole bunch of stupid sheeple out there who are going to vote for the jerk again. Ran into one today on the road. We had a bit of a verbal one-on-one. Apparently she didn’t like that I gave her the thumbs down to her Obama ’12 sticker and at a red light came up to us and asked what our problem was. We decided to enlighten her since she was really so stupid. Her brilliant retort was “Well! You need to keep your opinions to yourself!” Really? Some one correct me….is the 1st Amendment only for idiot liberals? I didn’t think so. She wasn’t too happy with our remarks but I think she got the message.

        cowgirl20 2 hours ago parent



        Excellent, keep up the good work. I have a couple of friends that are not registered to vote but keep complaining about odumbo….so far I have gotten one of them to register and I am working on the other one. I think I’m winning but It’s too early to tell. I am going to show him this article tomorrow and then take him for a drive to the court house to register.

      • KimmyInCali an hour ago parent



        I have 4 bumper stickers on the back of my car…one on the left that says “Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for him!” and two on the right “How’s that whole hopey changy thing workin out for ya?” with a Big “Obummer” sticker below that. Of course a “MITT for President” sticker above in the middle. I am happy to say I have had more positive reaction than negative (1 hispanic) I have also been asked if I worry about some koolaide drinking liberal on the left vandalizing my car? No, I don’t. I believe this man is a danger to the United States I have grown up in and USED TO know. Also, It is worth the risk to protect my children and grandchildren’s future!

        Jack an hour ago parent



        I hope you also gave her a one finger salute too

        krdave an hour ago parent



        I was talking to 3 upper middle class white women who are all gaga over Obama and they just couldn’t believe that I felt the way I did. I said that I couldn’t understand how they felt because of the Muslim treatment of women and what Sharia law meant to women. Not a one of them had heard of Sharia law and didn’t believe what I was telling them. They kept saying he was a Christian and wouldn’t allow that stuff to happen.—–Go figure

          cowgirl20 an hour ago parent



          I don’t understand how anyone can be gaga over odumbo, they must be braindead idiots. It only takes less than an ounce of brains to see what this muslim fraud is doing to America and Americans.

        lolajmay an hour ago parent



        It’s next to impossible to get through to liberals. They love to keep talking over any common sense words we give them. “Don’t give me any facts” is a perfect motto for them. Don’t know how many facts it would take for most of them to get the message that Obama wants to take this country down. For me, it only took listening to him the first time, and not believing anything he said!!

        Ort an hour ago parent



        Tiger: it would have taken all my will not to clobber the idiot.

      • Roger Behrens an hour ago parent



        Communists and Marxists always try to silence the truth. Good for you.
        Some people might have given her the one finger salute.

      fryer01 an hour ago parent



      they can’t be americans….none of them….he is our enemy..thats it folks WAKE UP !!!! APOLIGING TO THEM??? LOW…REAL LOW !!!!!

    pointdan 2 hours ago



    Nov 6th cannot get here soon enough . . . .
    Obama is a nightmare x 10 and counting .
    GO TEA PARTY !!!

    jbenat97 2 hours ago



    How about everyone who voted for this poor excuse for a President apologizing to the rest of us!

      krdave an hour ago parent



      How ’bout just moving them all to Iran?

      fryer01 an hour ago parent



      when obama kills their family in some manner maybe they will wake up….shame on them !!!!!!

    cae973 2 hours ago



    obama owes an apology to the American people who he has deceived, misled and failed in everyway imaginable!

    gmarshall 2 hours ago



    Just another reason we have to vote this guy out of the White House. Read the book by Ed Klein, “The Amateur” and you’ll understand why this administration is so incompetent.

      529_Barb 2 hours ago parent



      ….and while your at it…..read Fool me Twice and get the video Dreams from my REAL Father……..it’ll cause you cardiac arrest.

      fryer01 an hour ago parent



      read the book…and ALL truths….wild just wild…so true…and complete…this guy is a monster out to ruin our country..and anyone who votes for them are in the same bracket…god help them !!!!!

    BillS 2 hours ago



    Very interesting comment on the radio this morning by a caller. Who is
    really to blame? The caller pointed out that the attackers were shouting
    ” We are a thousand bin Ladens Obama” This strongly suggests that the
    constant spiking of the football by the President, the DNC, Biden with
    his “bin Laden is dead GM is alive” bumper sticker, is the real reason
    for the violence and murders not the movie or Terry Jones. The rapid
    response by the left to blame Governor Romney, the movie and Terry
    Jones is once again irrefutable evidence that the mainstream media is
    totally in the tank for Obama and is typical of the Administration’s
    total refusal to take responsibility for anything that happens that does
    not support his presidency or the left agenda.

    • colleenf 2 hours ago parent



      If these idiots in the media thing obama and his thugs will protect them when he finally attempts his take over of our country and declares himself dictator……they are sadly mistaken.
      The press is one of the things that the communists take over as they take over a nation.
      THEY are the stupid cows.

        Jack an hour ago parent



        They have already succeeded in taking over almost all of the media

    adamenochnoah 2 hours ago



    Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.”

    George Washington

    Doodlebug 6 hours ago



    This really shows what an arrogant, lying, nose in the air dummicrat donkey this jerk is! Romney certainly did show himself to be more presidential in his response. Who do you want to answer the phone when it rings at 3:00 a.m.?

      Warren 2 hours ago parent



      OH DOODLEBUG…. Didn’t you hear all of the Liberal rhetoric after Governor Romney spoke. They were up in arms because he was critical of the way Obama’s Administration handled this. LET’S SEND THEM TO LYBIA TO REPLACE THE AMERICAN’S THAT WERE JUST KILLED FOR DOING THEIR JOB’S… I’m beginning to LOATHE these people that think their way should be the ONLY WAY..!

    • Jerry Ray Johnson 2 hours ago parent



      get him on his cell phone on the golf links

        T-Mex 2 hours ago parent



        He won’t answer. Unless the call is from one of his Muslim cohorts or co-conspirators. You and I are insignificant and unimportant in this impostor’s eyes. What a national disgrace and embarrassment Obama is. Counting the days when I can do my part to kick his butt out of office. The White House will have to be well disinfected after he’s gone.

          fryer01 an hour ago parent



          someday soon..we will never have to see obama and piggy ever again..out of sight out of mind…we are all having a HUGE party like a super bowl only LARGER..”.BYE BYE PIGGIES…..HELLO AMERICA “

      fryer01 an hour ago parent



      MITT by far….i listened to day and MITT was more presential..them odumbo.. obama ewas reading what someone else wrote…..mitt read from his heart!!! big difference!!!( i doubt after 4 yrs..obama can’t even find the phone !!)

    • Roger Behrens 31 minutes ago parent



      Obozo doesn’t believe in the goodness of this country. He hates traditional American values as all of the nutcases on the left do. Romney needs to show some spine and talk about how food and gas prices have gone up under Odumbo. How the American family has lost net worth under this administration. The Canadian Dollar is now worth more than the U.S. Dollar. We are also about to have our credit rating lowered again.

  • Screeminmeeme 10 hours ago



    SOMEONE SHOOT ME!!……….Pleez………

    Here we go again! Our Ambassador to Libya and 3 other embassy workers have been murdered, our embassy stormed, our flag destroyed and the Islamic flag raised on what is America soil!!

    In Egypt, a similar scene, but thank God, without the loss of life.

    Once again, the ”Religion of Peace” is proving it is neither. That these events took place on 911 is not lost to those of us who understand Islam. NOTHING is done without there being some connection to a past event in Islamic history. In fact, the 911 attacks on America were payback for something that happened in 1683,

    In that year, 138,000 Muslims Ottoman Turks surrounded Vienna, Austria, which was defended by only 11,000 Hapsburg soldiers. For two months they starved Vienna’s troops.. Then the Polish King, Jan Sobieski, left his own country undefended and led a coalition of 81,000 Polish-Austiran-German forces to Vienna’s rescue…on SEPTEMBER 11, 1683 and within 30 minutes time, the battle was won.

    The Battle of Vienna, a war between Muslims and Christians ended the 300 year continuous effort of Islam to conquer Europe. And so it was an apt date to loose the vengeance of allah on ”Christian” America in the greatest act of war in our history.

    Yesterday’s attacks are also ACTS OF WAR and the government responds with an appeasing apology!!

    Once more with feeling: THESE ARE ACTS OF WAR!!

    Ironically, in May, the White House released a statement saying that the war on terror is over. That might come as a surprise to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and to all of our embassy officials in the MIddle East.

    We need to IMMEDIATELY stop all transfers of money from our gov to Egypt.
    We need to IMMEDIATELY close both embassies and bring all Americans home.
    We need to IMMEDIATELY deport the Egyptian and Libyan Ambassadors and their staffs from the U.S.
    We need to IMMEDIATELY send ships to the area as a show of strength and in readiness to respond with force.


    • Shell 2 hours ago parent



      The thing that is most difficult to absorb is the people who will still vote and support this man who is ILLEGAL, and has had a FAILURE OF THIS ADMINISTRATION, and is determined to destroy this nation, and want 4 more years to finish it. If he doesn’t win watch what he will do between Nov. and Jan. He will try to take us down and I am afraid CONGRESS (Reid and Pelosi, ad infinitum) will help him do it!

        gooseroot 2 hours ago parent



        november 7th he should be executed for being a spy.

          lolajmay an hour ago parent



          Obama should be impeached, but continue on with the process to get him completely out of offIce. Bill Clinton got to stay after his impeachent. They need to start the proceeding now, IF ONLY CONGRESS HAD A BACKBONE AND BRAINS.

        Jack an hour ago parent



        Not unless he can convince the members of congress to go along with him & the house is controlled by the gop so he can only do so much more damage

          Indylady 37 minutes ago parent



          He can still issue executive orders, Jack.

    • Mark Ward an hour ago parent



      WHY the FOCK should WE give a Rat’s Rear End about “hurting the feelings” of Muslims – when THEY don’t give a Rat’s Rear End about MURDERING our embassador (and others)?!

      WHERE are the (so-called) “Muslim Leaders” CONDEMNING the actions of “their” people?

      Don’t tell ME we have to “understand” that MOST Muslims are “peace loving” people – when THEY are UNABLE (or unwilling) to IMMEDIATELY condemn the actions of their fellow Muslims (albeit the “Radical” wing thereof)!!!

      What’s a SHAME, is you KNOW there would be IMMEDIATE CONDEMNATION (from Obama, the Democrats and the “Main Stream” Media) if some group of Christians (or Jews) were to “occupy” the Muslim “community center” near Ground Zero!

      • Screeminmeeme an hour ago parent



        Mark Ward….Those of us with a brain who are not politically correct don’t give a rat’s behind about hurting their feelings.

        PC is avoidance of the truth and it is killing America. We need to call Islam what it is: our enemy and the enemy of all non-muslims.

        NO doubt about it….if Christians and Jews began acting like the Muslims, Obama would declare martial law and lock us all up.

      Jack an hour ago parent



      Let’s also get every muslim out of this country too, they are mandated to have 11 children it only a matter of time before they take over America, & with 11 children they collect welfare. Take a look at Detroit to see what can happen to the entire country

      fryer01 an hour ago parent




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