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The True Story About Nancy Ajram’s Istanbul Concert

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Even we are big fans of Nancy Ajram, we want to write the true story about her Istanbul concert because she didn’t show respect for Turkish fans.

Arab newpapers wrote many lies. First of all, Nancy didn’t sing over two hours, Istanbul concert last just one hour. Second, the ceremony wasn’t attended by tens of thousands of Turks, concert was half-empty, don’t be fooled with the photos that Nancy’s private photographer took and shared with the media. Third, Nancy has spoken in Arabic, she forgot that Turkish fans don’t understand, at least she could have spoken in English.

Also, Nancy didn’t sang 4-5 songs from last album as they wrote, she sang just two songs from album N7.

Nancy Ajram Concert in Turkey

We also don’t understand why Nancy said in an interview with a Turkish media that the concert tickets were sold out … that’s not true!

Next time Nancy, if you are real artist, sing for fans not for money.

By Turkish Fans

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