Congressman: America Schools Should Be Modeled After Islam & Use Koran

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Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), the Muslim congressman who once said that the Tea Party would “love” to see black Americans “hanging on a tree,” made another controversial statement during a May 26 speech. This time he gave what is at the heart of the Islamic mind and that is the indoctrination of Islam into the West.

Speaking about the American education system, Carson told the audience that American schools should be modeled after Madrassas and touted the benefits of schools that use the Koran as their “foundation.”

A Madrassa as: “a Muslim school, college, or university that is often part of a mosque.”

The congressman said,

America will never tap into educational innovation and ingenuity without looking at the model that we have in our madrassas, in our schools, where innovation is encouraged and where the foundation is the koran.

“And that model that we are pushing in some of our schools meets the multiple needs of students. Most of us are visual learners. Some of us are auditory learners. We learn by hearing. many of use are kinesthetic learners. We learn by doing, touching, and feeling. I have found, as my wife is a principal and I have a five year old daughter at Salema, that we need an educational model that is current, that meets the need of our students. America must understand that she needs Muslims.”

I see. So the Congressman would have us believe that we should teach our children in little madrassas the koran, a book that without the hadiths is virtually impossible to understand, and which promotes a pedophile leader who demands that Christians, Jews and anyone who will not convert to Islam to be killed with the edge of the sword. And this is supposed to “meet the needs of our students” and “tap into educational innovation and ingenuity”? This is supposed to be an “educational model that is current”?

I’ll let that sink in for a bit everyone and you just remember that these are the same people who wipe with their left hand and eat with their right. These are the same people that get gung ho about sending their children to blow themselves up thinking they will be gaining a myriad of vigins to fulfill all their sinful, carnal lusts. These are the same people who would not come out after September 11 and renounce the attacks.

What the congressman is pushing here is the very reason why America will never win the war in the Middle East. America will never win the war there because she has not identified the enemy and she is unwilling to root out the problem which is the indoctrination of Islam into the minds of the children. Because she is unwilling to call Islam what it is, she will now be willing to embrace it and have no problem in giving their children to such indoctrination. After all, Americans are already sending them to a godless, atheistic indoctrination center now.




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2 responses to “Congressman: America Schools Should Be Modeled After Islam & Use Koran”

  1. V,demirW Avatar

    Right on the money !!!! Koran covers the Old Testament ( TORA ) and the New Testament ( Bible -Incil ) and brought down by the same Angel Gabriel ( Cebrail ) and in addition to that THE LAST WORDS from the SAME GOD indicated HOW MUCH YOU ARE SCREWD-UP etc. WITHOUT ANY HUMAN HAND CHANGES ( as the Seytan wished in Humans LIKE RABBIES and the POP in Vatican ) as seen in old and the new testaments !!!
    So. You can save money and time by Just reading THE KORAN .Ofcourse you practice too .otherwise the Seytan will molest you AGAIN and AGAIN !!!!

    The SEYTAN ( the Lucifier ) got permit from the God in the begining TO SCREW anybody that WHO DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THAT YET OR STILL IGNORING THAT !!!!
    Seytan,Allah tan onceden izin almis , her kim bunu bilmiyorsa ve umursamiyorsa onlari taciz edebilmesi icin !!!!

    (( Turk lerin.Turk soylarinin ve Dunyanin Tek Dusmani olan Seytan nin tarifnamesi asagidaki formulle izah edilmistir ))
    Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu )

  2. V,demirW Avatar

    VOTE for your this Congreesman TO BE your next PRESIDENTE to save you from the Rabbies and the molesting Prists in variotations !!!

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