Turkish jet was downed in Syrian airspace, U.S. officials indicate

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June 30, 2012 – 17:07 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – U.S. intelligence indicates that a Turkish warplane shot down by Syrian forces was most likely hit by shore-based antiaircraft guns while it was inside Syrian airspace, American officials said, a finding in tune with Syria’s account and at odds with Turkey, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The Turkish government, which moved tanks to the Syrian border after the June 22 incident, says the debris fell in Syrian waters, but maintains its fighter was shot down without warning in international airspace. Ankara also has said the jet was hit too far from Syrian territory to have been engaged by an antiaircraft gun.

Damascus has said it shot down the plane with an antiaircraft battery with an effective range of about 1.5 miles.

“We see no indication that it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile” as Turkey says, said a senior defense official. Officials declined to specify the sources of their information. The senior U.S. defense official cautioned that much remains unknown about the incident.

A Turkish official said he wasn’t aware of the American doubts, and reiterated the government’s position that a Syrian missile downed the plane in international airspace.

The downing of the jet spurred fears of a widening regional conflict and led the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, following a presentation by Turkey, to condemn Syria’s action.

The use of antiaircraft fire would suggest the Turkish plane was flying low to the ground, and slowly, U.S. officials said – though Syria said the jet was traveling at 480 miles an hour. If hit by antiaircraft fire, the jet likely came closer to the Syrian shoreline than Turkey says, U.S. officials said.

According to the Journal, some current and former American officials believe Ankara has been testing Syrian defenses. The version of the Turkish F-4 Phantom that was shot down typically carries surveillance equipment, according to U.S. defense officials.

A former senior U.S. official who worked closely with Turkey said he believed the flight’s course was meant to test Syria’s response. “You think that the airplane was there by mistake?” the former official said.

“These countries are all testing how fast they get picked up and how fast someone responds,” said a senior U.S. official. “It’s part of training.”

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2 responses to “Turkish jet was downed in Syrian airspace, U.S. officials indicate”

  1. V,demirW Avatar

    Sacrifice for the Amrica by the muslim Turkish Goverment ,Seytan icin 9 doguran musluman gecinen Turk Hokumati icin kurbanlik 5 cocuk yaping LAN .
    The SEYTAN ( the Lucifier ) got permit from the God in the begining TO SCREW anybody that WHO DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THAT YET OR STILL IGNORING THAT !!!!
    Seytan,Allah tan onceden izin almis , her kim bunu bilmiyorsa ve umursamiyorsa onlari taciz edebilmesi icin !!!!

    (( Turk lerin.Turk soylarinin ve Dunyanin Tek Dusmani olan Seytan nin tarifnamesi asagidaki formulle izah edilmistir ))
    Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu )

  2. mok10501 Avatar

    Have we noticed the source of this news? Armenia and the Syria are two old fortresses of the former soviet frontier in the south caucasus; one still continuing with the Baath Party and the other one only the elderly who live by the former soviet union’s pensions. These two were inherited, unfortunately, and assumed the same by the present Russian Oligarchs. Now, Turks missed a golden opportunity hitting back the bad behaving El Assad, who cares where the plan was shut at it except these two. Because they fear the Turks might do differently next time, and at the same time the originators of this news are implying that they will do the same if the Turks violate their airspace.

    As Kiliçdaroğlu said very clearly and he was right; ” If you don’t do anything, these people will think this is doable next time”.”Sıçan Geçer Yol Olur” ” Do not allow them do this at all, do something, we’re behind you” ” SAKIN BLÖF YAPMAYIN”. But what the AKP government did besides declaring that Turkey is neither hard power nor soft power but a “SMART POWER”. Ohh really Mr. Little Kissinger? Be serious. We became a laughing stock, and lost prestige, period. Can Syrian or Armenians do this to Israel?

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