Russia urges Syria, Turkey against clash

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Moscow, June 27 (IANS/RIA Novosti) The downing of a Turkish jet by Syrian forces should not be considered a provocation or allowed to further destabilise the situation in the region, the Russian foreign ministry has said.

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“The escalation of politics and propaganda, including on the international level, is especially dangerous when efforts are being undertaken to mobilize all major outside players to channel the situation in Syria in a political direction,” ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said.

Russia is concerned with the situation, and urges both Ankara and Damascus to cooperate in the investigation of the incident, Lukashevich said in a statement.

Syria shot down a Turkish F-4 fighter jet over the Mediterranean Sea last Friday.

Syrian officials said the jet invaded the country’s air space, while Turkey insisted it was attacked over international waters.

The attack prompted fears that Turkey may use the incident as a pretext to launch a military operation in Syria, torn by a civil war that has killed at least 12,000 people since March 2011, according to the UN.

A NATO meeting called Tuesday at Turkey’s request denounced the attack on the jet, but said the incident would not be viewed as aggression against the alliance, which could have given NATO a valid pretext to attack Syria.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul said Tuesday the incident has exposed “the paranoia that has gripped the Syrian Army”.

–IANS/RIA Novosti



via Russia urges Syria, Turkey against clash – NY Daily News.

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One response to “Russia urges Syria, Turkey against clash”

  1. V,demirW Avatar

    Abdal Turkish Goverment is war for Amrican Seytan
    Abdal Syrian Goverment is war for Russian Seytan
    ATA nin nutuklarini okuyamamanin ve de dolayisiyla uygulayamamanin verdigi kuyruk acisiyla asagidaki formulde izah edilen Seytanlarin altina girip YAN GELIP YATMAK . ve namusunu elden vererek ve de hala namusunu basortusu ve salvara sarilarak koruduguna inanmak vesaire ……. vesaire
    The SEYTAN ( the Lucifier ) got permit from the God in the begining TO SCREW anybody that WHO DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THAT YET OR STILL IGNORING THAT !!!!
    Seytan,Allah tan onceden izin almis , her kim bunu bilmiyorsa ve umursamiyorsa onlari taciz edebilmesi icin !!!!

    (( Turk lerin.Turk soylarinin ve Dunyanin Tek Dusmani olan Seytan nin tarifnamesi asagidaki formulle izah edilmistir ))
    Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu )

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