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Turkey to raise trade exchange with Iran to 35 dlrs billion

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Turkey to raise trade exchange with Iran to 35 dlrs billion

Ankara, May 23, IRNA – Turkish Minister of Development Cevdet Yilmaz called his visit to Tehran ‘constructive’ and urged the raise of trade exchanges between the two countries to the amount of 35 dlrs billion per year.

1391/03/03 – 00:33

T80147049 2589832He made the remarks in an interview with Anadolu News Agency.

“The volume of trade exchange between Iran and Turkey exceeded 16 dlrs billion in 2011 and the two countries have the capacity to increase the volume of their trade exchange to 35 dlrs billion per year by 2015,” Yilmaz added.

Turkish Minister of Development, heading a large delegation of Turkish businessmen and industrialists and economic activists had a visit to Iran on Monday and Tuesday and had meetings with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, Iranian Vice President for International Affairs Ali Saeedlou as well as some Iranian economic activists.

President Ahmadinejad, in a meeting with visiting Turkish Minister of Development said the two countries should use opportunities to deepen their brotherly ties.

Iran and Turkey cooperate in a wide variety of fields that range from fighting terrorism, drug trafficking, and promoting stability in Iraq and Central Asia.

Iran and Turkey also have very close trade and economic relations. Both countries are part of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). Turkey receives many Iranian tourists each year and economically benefits from Iranian tourism.

Turkey is one of the advocates of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program in the international community. In May 2010, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made an trip to Tehran in coordination with Brazilian President Lula da Silva to make an agreement to outsource Iranian uranium enrichment to his country to avoid further sanctions on Iran. Turkey has been also host to two rounds of Iran and G5+1 talks.

via Turkey to raise trade exchange with Iran to 35 dlrs billion.

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