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Turkey calls on EU to issue visa-free travel

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NE27 13 7

Turkey’s European Union Minister and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis, left, and EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule | BELGA PHOTO BERNAL REVERT

Turkey’s European Union Minister and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis recently called on EU executives and member states to lift visa procedures for its citizens. He said that such a move should be made to implement decisions the European Court of Justice and national courts made in line with Turkish citizens, and lift visa procedures for Turkish citizens, Zaman reported. Bagis has sent letters to European commissioners and spokespeople, members of European Parliament as well as members of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and think-tank organisations and European media.

The call was sent to EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom, European Parliament President Martin Schulz and Foreign Minister Villy Sovndal of Denmark, the rotating president of the European Council. The letter reflects Turkish disappointment with the EU not paving the way for visa-free travel of Turkish citizens, despite the country meeting the required criteria. A key meeting will be held on 26 April where Turkish and European officials will again discuss the matter.

“The current Schengen visa regime against Turkish citizens constitutes an obstacle to the strengthening of relations between Turkish people and the peoples of the EU, as it prevents people-to-people contact, which is indispensable for the EU accession process,” Bagis’ statement read. Suggesting that Turkey’s economic achievement in the last decade made the current visa regime redundant, Bagis said that EU countries, which are witnessing an economic crisis would benefit from the commercial, cultural, educational and touristic visits of Turkish citizens, which would be further enabled by the lifting of the visa requirement. Bagis said visa obligation also prevented Turkish NGOs and universities as well as young people from making use of EU funds and projects. Long visa procedures harmed Turkish businessmen from enjoying a fair competitive atmosphere in the Customs Union, Bagis said. Bagis said courts of many EU member states, including Germany and the Netherlands, had been making decisions that recognised visa liberation for Turkish citizens, and Turkish citizens could travel to Germany on a touristic visit without any visa under those court decisions.

via Turkey calls on EU to issue visa-free travel | New Europe.

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