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Wikileaks: Turkey planned to ‘burn bridges’ with Israel even before flotilla

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Latest leaked Stratfor email has Erdogan telling Kissinger of ambition to lead the Arab world

By Aaron Kalman February 29, 2012, 3:34 pm

Palestinians hold pictures of Tayyip Erdogan in a Gaza protest (photo credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90)

Turkey planned on downgrading relations with Israel even before the May 2010 flotilla incident, documents published Wednesday by WikiLeaks suggest.

A leaked email from George Friedman, the head of US-based global security analysis company Stratfor, reveals that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger that at some point he would burn bridges with Israel in favor of a closer relationship with the Islamic world.

According to the Turkish newspaper Sunday Zaman, Friedman also wrote in the same email that Turkey does not get along with Israel and the United States. An attack by Israel on Iran would provide a good opportunity for Erdogan to finally cut Turkey’s ties with Israel and the US and to expand Turkey’s power, he further wrote.

The flotilla to Gaza — in which nine Turkish citizens aboard a ship heading to Gaza were killed after attacking the IDF commandos who intercepted it – was not the cause of Turkey’s new strategy but rather the opportunity Erdogan had been waiting for, Army Radio said.

Also exposed in the latest email exchanges published by Wikileaks were claims Israeli commandos had sabotaged and significantly damaged Iranian nuclear facilities.

via Wikileaks: Turkey planned to ‘burn bridges’ with Israel even before flotilla | The Times of Israel.

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