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Operational headquarters of NATO ground forces to be built in Izmir, Turkey

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In the near future Izmir in Turkey will host the operational headquarters of NATO ground forces, which will be of great importance for the Alliance, NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen told a meeting dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Turkey’s membership in NATO, Turkish media reports.

“I appreciate the significant contribution of Turkey to our operations in the Balkans, in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Libya, as well as the recent announcement of the placing of the ABM systems on Turkish territory,” he said. According to Rasmussen, Turkey itself has asked to install the NATO missile defense system radars on its territory. Noting the important role of Turkey in world history, Rasmussen said that since the “cold war” this country had “maintained its position on the world stage.” “Turkey’s role in the “cold war” was decisive. A new security system was established later, and I think that the recent events have proved the significant role of Turkey. Events in North Africa and the Middle East have shown that Turkey still is and will continue to be important,”he said. Rasmussen said that he considered Turkey a strong and important ally, not only due to its geographical location, but also its historical, cultural and religious values.

via Operational headquarters of NATO ground forces to be built in Izmir, Turkey | Vestnik Kavkaza.

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