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Istanbul Dreaming…

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Todays post was supposed to be tittled “And just like that I said goodbye to the best kisser on my trip so far.” If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you know a bit about what I am talking about because I have mentioned it. Well I have it saved in my drafts… & at the moment I do not want to publish it. At least not right now… it really was a great moment in my trip and want to keep it to my self for now. I will eventually share it. Hope y’all understand. In the mean time I am not going to make changes to this post that I had scheduled for next week and am going to publish it now.

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I spent 18 days in Turkey, 5 of which I spent on a short adventure visiting some amazing sites. The rest I spent in amazing Istanbul. I am sure you are probably wondering what in the world did I do there during my time there. Well aside from the AMAZING NEW YEARS and making out with the Turkish man of my dreams I also managed to see and do A LOT. Here are some photos of what I did while I was there. I also think these photos will give you insight as to why I am now in love with this city. It is really the greatest city in the world.

via Istanbul Dreaming… | Breakaway Backpacker.

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