Will Turkey stand against the West ? It refuses to join the sanctions against Iran

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Turkey refused to joint the sanctions against Iran which are offered by the USA and the Western European countries.

flAccording to Interfax news agency the USA tries to involve Turkey in actions against Iran. Turkey was pressed also in frame of the NATO. According to the source Turkish participation in the anti-Iranian actions is rated highly as Turkey has close economical relations with Iran.

Events around Iran are developing too fast especially during the last time. On January 9 Iranian side announced that Iranian Fordow factory started the enrichment of uranium.

IAEA confirmed that all nuclear materials are under its supervision.

After the announcement by IAEA the USA again called on Iran to stop the enrichment of uranium and to fulfill the resolution by the UN Security Council.

The USA and the European countries call on Iran to stop the own nuclear program. Official Tehran has announced for many times that its nuclear program is peaceful and is just for the energy claims of the country.

Relations between Iran and the Western countries are too strained and nuclear program is one of the main themes for it. USA and European countries sometimes hold sanctions against Iranian officials. Economical sanctions are also held. The last scandal took place over Strait of Homruz. Iranian side warned it would close Homruz if embargo is put on Iranian oil to the European countries. The USA announced that Homruz is a border which is not worthy to pass.

Remind that Turkish-Iranian relations became strained when Turkey let NATO radars to be situated in its territory. Iranian side announced that this actions was directed against Iran for sure.

via Will Turkey stand against the West ? It refuses to join the sanctions against Iran.

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One response to “Will Turkey stand against the West ? It refuses to join the sanctions against Iran”

  1. V,demirW Avatar

    Turkish Goverment can Not Handle DELUXE
    two Presidente and two Pirime Ministers ( second Presidente of the Turkish Goverment is Obama and the second Pirime Minester of the Turkish Goverment is Ricardiyonu the Accordiyoni ( Side jobs are Amrica Ambassador to Ankara ,CIA,Mossad etc.)
    The back-ground music ( perde arkasi muzik ) provided by the followings ;
    (( Turk lerin.Turk soylarinin ve Dunyanin Tek Dusmani olan Seytan nin tarifnamesi asagidaki formulle izah edilmistir ))
    Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu )

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