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Friday sermons to be translated into English

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Religious Affairs Directorate President Mehmet Gormez on Wednesday said his directorate plans to get the Friday sermons delivered at historical Istanbul mosques translated into English since the mosques are visited by thousands of tourists every day.

friday sermons english

Speaking to reporters at the office of Istanbul Governor Huseyin Avni Mutlu on Wednesday, Gormez said Istanbul mosques and sanctuaries are visited by more than 20,000 tourists every day, and the religious authority plans to get summaries of the sermons translated into English to make sure tourists can understand what is being said.

“During Friday prayers, at least 500 tourists visit the Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque). The Friday sermons are translated into German at various mosques in Germany. You will see a similar service here in Istanbul,” he said.

“We think it is important that tourists know what is being said in Turkey,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Religious Affairs Directorate will hire 250 tour guides for mosques.

Gormez said the guides will take an exam in which their knowledge of religion will be tested. He noted that they will also seek guides who know one or more foreign languages.

The guides will be expected to deliver information to tourists about religion and the religious places they are visiting.

via Friday sermons to be translated into English.

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