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Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey Foreign Minister, To Visit Iran

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ANKARA, Turkey — Officials say Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu will visit Iran for talks on the country’s nuclear program and developments in Iraq and Syria.


The Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu addresses members of the Turkish community in Germany. (MARCUS BRANDT/AFP/Getty Images)

The Turkish Foreign Ministry says Davutoglu will pay a two-day visit to Tehran, starting on Wednesday.

It says the talks are part of regular meetings between the two countries’ foreign ministers held twice a year.

The visit, however, comes amid increased friction between the two neighboring nations over Turkey’s decision to host a NATO missile system designed to counter Iranian missile threats, and also over their opposing views on the Syrian uprising against the regime of President Bashar Assad.

Iran is suspected of trying to produce nuclear weapons. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

via Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey Foreign Minister, To Visit Iran.

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