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Turkey New Migration Alternative for Greeks

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According to ‘Deutsche Welle’, the citizens of Greek migration to other countries are finding a remedy to the crisis. For the migration of Greeks are generally preferred overseas countries and Western Europe, although the last time Turkey began to be seen as a country of immigration.

According to a show on a Turkish television program, a woman from Athens and daughter wants to migrate, because she cannot see the perspective of a future in Greece for her daughter, she says. If it is not possible in Istanbul, at least they want to migrate to Australia, she says.

Professor of International Relations and European Studies Centre, Dimitrius Triantafilu emphasized that many things have changed in the relations between the two countries.

‘Turkey as a country of immigration has become almost a recipe for success’ Professor Dimitrius Triantafilu says, stressing that according to statistics, at least two of the world’s top 100 universities are located in Turkey. “Greece has nothing to such”,he said.

Moreover, Turkey is a very attractive destination not only for its economic development but also for the short distance between Turkey and Greece. Turkey’s everyday life carries similar characteristics to Greek life. This is the main reason for Greek migration to Turkey.

via Turkey New Migration Alternative for Greeks | Greek Reporter Europe.

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