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Turkish human rights activists appeal to Valerie Boyer: We stand by you

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Human Rights Association Istanbul branch, Committee Against Racism and Discrimination appealed to French MP Valerie Boyer, author of the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial.

87940The association issued a statement condemning threats voices against MP by Turkish nationalists.

“Being the human rights defenders of a country which has directly witnessed how closely intertwined are both nationalism and racism with sexist violence, we know very well the crime committed against you and consider it to be committed against ourselves.

Believing that denial of crimes against humanity such as genocide means accomplicity in the crime itself, we would like you to know that we stand by you and we deeply share your rightful indignation against this act of violence because of the bill you have prepared against the denial of genocide,” the statement reads.

via Turkish human rights activists appeal to Valerie Boyer: We stand by you | Armenia News –

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