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Turkey prepares ecological catastrophe for Azerbaijan and Georgia

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Turkey intends to build a hydro-electric station on the upper part of Qur River. This means that the river-bed must be changed and the river will be filled not into Caspian Sea but the Black Sea. This project will be a real ecological catastrophe for both Georgia and Azerbaijan. According to Turkish side this plan is already ready and it has been discussed in frame of the Turkish delegation’s visit to Georgia.

barajRussian “Nezavisimaya gazeta” (“Independent magazine”) writes about this and considers that the effective building will claim to change the river-bed. But in this case Azerbaijan and Georgia will remain without Qur River. This river has a vital meaning for Azerbaijan. This river fills the Mingechaur reservoir and Baku can not lose it.

According to Georgian “Rezonansi” news agency this plan has been discussed by the highest level, during the meeting of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Leader of the Georgian opposition Christian-democratic Party this is a really troubling issue and it is always discussed with Ankara. He said that its fulfillment will be real catastrophe for Georgia, Azerbaijan and for some parts of turkey is as well.

“Turkish wish is clear. It needs source of energy. Wrong use of Jorokh river has already made many problems for Georgia and the use of Qur will have more terrible consequences”, Georgian source writes.

Leader of the Greens Party in Georgia George Gachechialdze considers that such conversations have political context and are “in style” for Ankara.

via Turkey prepares ecological catastrophe for Azerbaijan and Georgia.

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