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Wilders Wants Turkey Out of NATO

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by sheikyermami on December 27, 2011

Islamic Turkey should have never been in NATO to begin with.

im geert wilders copy2

Reports out of Turkey cite government sources that say that Turkey is pulling out of NATO and withdrawing its application for E.U. member status. In September the U.S. cancelled all further sales of replacement parts for Turkish Military Jets such as the F16. Turkey has been calling for moderation dealing with Iran’s nuclear program but has protested a U.S. led effort to establish an independent Kurdistan.

Ankara accused of ‘abandoning’ Israel and France by Dutch Freedom Party.

J’Post- BERLIN – The Dutch Freedom Party, the Netherlands’s third largest political party, urged the Foreign Affairs and Defense Ministries last week to reconsider Turkey’s continued membership in NATO.

Geert Wilders, head of the party, and its Mideast expert, deputy Wim Kortenoeven, accused Turkey of abandoning its allies – Israel earlier this year, and now France.

via Wilders Wants Turkey Out of NATO — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami.

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