Biden’s Day Out in Istanbul

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134852221(MUSTAFA OZER/AFP/Getty Images)

VP strolls through the cobblestone streets of Istanbul’s Samatya Square neighborhood, gets a “good price” at the fish market.

Read the pool report below.

VPOTUS neighborhood visit

On a gorgeous sunny Sunday, VP Biden left the Hilton Hotel for a walkabout in an Istanbul neighborhood (some basic details from WH below). En route, his motorcade rolled along the coast of the Sea of Marmara, with the minarets of the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia looming on the hill above.

The VP, wearing a blue blazer, open-neck shirt and aviator shades, strolled up a cobblestone street lined with fish stalls. He stopped at one, out of earshot of the pool.

As the VP resumed his amble, another fish-monger called out, saying he’d give him a good price. Biden, who was by now clutching a plastic bag, said, “I already got a good price.”

VP shook hands and waved at passersby, including some peering down from their windows. He stopped again to greet a young boy. “Come visit me in the White House,” he said.

The boy’s father replied, “But how are we going to get there?”

A few steps later, he stopped at a fruit stand, flashed a small wad of lira, and bought oranges, tangerines, and other fruit. He tossed a tangerine to the same boy he had greeted earlier; the boy made a perfect catch and smiled with delight.

After that, the VP stopped by a pastrami and honey market.

Justin Fishel of Fox engaged the VP in a brief chat, asking him how his day was going.

“You can tell I’m eating whatever I can eat,” Biden replied.

Asked what he was buying, the VP said, “I got some sweets, I got some fruit, I got some olives, some cheese, and the ambassador ate all the fish.”

That was a reference to US Ambassador Frank Ricciardone, who had been busily noshing as he walked.

Was the VP taking anything back for the wife?

“Well, knowing Franny and the plane and you on it, you probably will eat it all on the way back,” he said (Fran Person is his body man)

“Only if you share,” Justin shot back.

“I’m happy,” Biden said. “I’m gonna share.

The VP then headed into the Develi restaurant, where he is lunching privately with Greek religious leaders, including Father Alex Karloutsos from New York and Andy Manatos, a prominent Greek-American.

Pool is holding on another floor of the same restaurant.

WH details on neighborhood:

The Vice President will visit Samatya Square, a traditional Istanbul neighborhood. Samatya is in the Fatih district and represents a “mosaic of life” in Istanbul, having been home to Turks and various minority groups for centuries. The neighborhood includes many traditional small local vendors: grocery shop, butcher, fish stand, bread maker and more.

via The Page by Mark Halperin | Biden’s Day Out in Istanbul.

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2 responses to “Biden’s Day Out in Istanbul”

  1. One more time another cone artist reminds the Turkish Goverment what to do under the formula as shown below
    (( Turk lerin.Turk soylarinin ve Dunyanin Tek Dusmani olan Seytan nin tarifnamesi asagidaki formulle izah edilmistir ))
    Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu
    Iflas etmis AB ye uye olacagim ve onlarin faturalarini odeyecegim diye kicini yirtan Turkiye Hokumeti Ruslardan once davranmali ve TURKIC AVRASYA BIRLIGI ni (( TURKIC URO -ASIA UNION )) (( Cin ve Rus sinirlari icindeki Turk soylari Cumhuriyetleri de dahil )) KURMALI ki gunahlari affolsun (( ATASOZU ; Rus Gelir Aska , Rus un Aski Baska ))

  2. Neolaki Yukie Yamada 03-18-61 Avatar
    Neolaki Yukie Yamada 03-18-61

    Thanks to Mark Halperin and Dudley for the effort. The full length video from Istanbul’s Consulate of Biden’s visit to Samatya Square from 2011 is missing.

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