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Iran would attack Turkey if U.S. or Israel go after their nuclear weapons

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‘We will target NATO’s missile shields in Turky,’ says Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander

BY Bloomberg News

Sunday, November 27 2011, 2:27 PM


Iranian sodiers march past President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (C) and military officials during the Army Day military parade in Tehran on April 18, 2011. AFP PHOTO/ATTA KENARE (Photo credit should read ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images)

Iranian soldiers march past President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and military officials during the Army Day military parade in Tehran in April.

An Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander said Iran will target a North Atlantic Treaty Organization defense system in Turkey if its nuclear program is attacked by the U.S. or Israel.

“If there is a threat we will target NATO’s missile shields in Turkey and will then go after the next targets,” Ali Hajizadeh, Commander of the air defense division of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. said yesterday.

The warning is part of a new strategy devised by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that consists of responding “to threats with threats,” Hajizadeh said according to the state-run Mehr news agency. Iran’s new stance is the result of increased threats by the U.S. and Israel, he said.

Tensions between Iran and Western countries have increased after the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report on Nov. 8 suggesting Iran was seeking to develop nuclear weapons. The report was followed by additional sanctions imposed last week by the U.S. and U.K. against the Persian Gulf country, which target its central bank and oil industry.

Iran says the IAEA report was politically motivated and insists its program is civilian and needed for power generation and medical research.

U.S. president Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have said military force against Iran is not off the table and Israeli President Shimon Peres said Nov. 4. the possibility of using force through “serious sanctions” or “a military operation,” to halt Iran’s nuclear program was drawing nearer.

Turkey will host an early warning radar as part of a NATO defense system, which will help protect against ballistic missile threats and is part of a strategic initiative agreed upon last year, Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said Sept. 2

A military installation in the Turkish town of Kurecik, about 700 kilometers west of the border with Iran, has been chosen as the radar site, Associated Press said, citing Turkish officials.

via Iran would attack Turkey if U.S. or Israel go after their nuclear weapons – NY Daily News.

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