Atatürk’s favorite hotel still doomed

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Once home to the most elegants ball of the times, Atatürk’s favorite Hotel, Tokatlıyan, is now facing an unknown future. Considered as a great piece of architecture, the hotel has been waiting for a restoration for the last 30 years.

The 117-year old Tokatlıyan Hotel stands in the middle of Istanbul’s most crowded Istiklal Street, in Beyoğlu district. DAILY NEWS photo, Hasan ALTINIŞIK
The 117-year old Tokatlıyan Hotel stands in the middle of Istanbul’s most crowded Istiklal Street, in Beyoğlu district. DAILY NEWS photo, Hasan ALTINIŞIK


Once a favorite haunt of modern Turkey’s founder, Istanbul’s legendary Tokatlıyan-Pera Hotel continues to face an uncertain future due to a lack of plans to renovate the severely dilapidated building.

“[Mustafa Kemal] Atatürk not only organized balls but also hosted his guests at a rich table during tea hours. It is so unfortunate that the hotel is now in a ruined state,” Professor Afife Batur, a scholar on architectural history at Istanbul Technical University, recently told the Hürriyet Daily News. “The hotel was a pioneer as a building in many ways. The first known hotel posters in Turkey belonged to the Tokatlıyan-Pera.”

Considered by scholars to be a significant architectural achievement, the Tokatlıyan-Pera is one of the best examples of fin-de-siècle architecture in Turkey.

The hotel belongs to the Üç Horan Armenian Church Foundation, one of the richest foundations of Turkey’s Armenian community.

The foundation’s administration, which has remained unchanged for 30 years, has chosen not to adopt any of the numerous renovation proposals that have been submitted over the years.

The hotel was built by Mıgırdiç Tokatlıyan, an Ottoman citizen of Armenian origin who migrated from the northern province of Tokat and adopted the last name Tokatlıyan. The hotel was opened in 1897 with 160 rooms and hosted a number of celebrities, later becoming a favorite of Atatürk.

Emphasizing the significance of the Tokatlıyan-Pera in regard to architecture, Batur said: “It was such a popular building that the Orient Express would transport all of Europe’s high society and the elite to this hotel and elegant balls were held there. These balls would generate several stories for the world tabloid press as well as the Turkish press.”

Another branch of the Tokatlıyan-Pera called the Tokatlıyan-Therabia was situated on the Bosphorus at the exact location of the present-day Tarabya Hotel, Batur said.

Architectural history specialist Dr. Fatma Sedes said the Tokatlıyan-Pera was the apple of the eye of Istanbul and European elites, as well as other political figures. “It was a unique building that left its mark on Istanbul’s architecture,” she added.

via Atatürk’s favorite hotel still doomed – Hurriyet Daily News.

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One response to “Atatürk’s favorite hotel still doomed”

  1. Ataturk un sevmedigi bisi yoktu SADECE asagidaki formulde gorulen Turklerin ve dunyanin TEK DUSMANI icin Kurtulus Savasi vermisti .Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu )
    Bu Otelin TERCUMESINE gelimce Ataturk uzerinden ermeni reklami yapilmis sadece ….Bunun gibi bir cok reklamlar ayni zamanda yazar ve sair olan bir Rus Albayinin notlarinda bile gorulur …. This is from Hurriyet (press)……Ermeni vahşetinin Rus görgü tanığı 24 Mart 2007 A.A. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı, Ermenilerin doğu cephesinde yaptıklarına görgü tanıklığı eden Rus yarbayın günlüğünü yayımladı. Genelkurmay ATASE Başkanlığınca yayımlanan “Gördüklerim Anılarım” adlı anı kitabında, Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında, 1917 yılı sonları ile 1918 yılı ilk aylarında, Erzurum’da 2. Ermeni-Rus Kale Topçu Alay Komutanlığı yapan Rus Yarbay Tverdohlebov’un el yazısıyla tuttuğu günlüğündeki notlarına yer verildi. Rus yarbayın günlüğünde Ermeni vahşetinin boyutları, akıl almaz katliamları gözler önüne serilirken, “Ermeniler oldukça yeteneksiz, asalak, açgözlü, ancak başka bir milletin sırtından geçinebilen bir millet saymak mümkündür” deniliyor. Notlarda, “Ermeni askerler en aşağılık, en adi sınıftan sayılmışlardır. Bunlar, her zaman geri hizmetlerde görev yapmak için gayret göstermişler, cepheden kaçmışlardır” ifadeleri yer alıyor. Türkçe, İngilizce, Fransızca ve orijinalın tıpkı basımı (Rusça) şekliyle hazırlanan kitap, Genelkurmay Başkanlığının internet sitesinde de yayımlandı. Sitede yer alan bilgi notunda, “Gördüklerim ve duyduklarım Ermenilerle ilgili her türlü tahmin ve tasavvur sınırlarını fazlasıyla aşmıştır diyen Yarbay Tverdohlebov’un anıları, Ermeni iddialarına verilebilecek en güzel cevap niteliğindedir” denildi+++++++++

    This message are sponsored by the ….
    Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu )

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