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ANOTHER FLOTILLA? Ships Sailing From Turkey To Gaza

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Nick Jardine | Nov. 2, 2011, 3:00 PM | 41 |

turkey israel floatilla boat protestTurkey Israel Floatilla Boat Protest

As two ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists sail from Turkey towards the Gaza Strip, Israeli’s navy is looking to block the vessels.

Al-Jazeera reports that the two ships are now in international waters having previously been escorted by the Turkish coast guard. One ship is carrying six activists and five journalists while the other is carrying 12 Irish nationals, all activists.

Both of the ships were reportedly also used in another unsuccessful attempt to reach Gaza in July this year.

However, Reuters just tweeted that the Israeli navy is ready to intercept the boats as they move closer.

We’re hoping another situation similar to the one in May 2010 doesn’t arise.

via ANOTHER FLOTILLA? Ships Sailing From Turkey To Gaza.

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