Nawaz wants Istanbul-like transport system

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LAHORE (INP) – PML-N President Nawaz Sharif has asked Istanbul Transport Authority Director General Dr Harry Brochlor to send a high-level delegation to Lahore as he wanted to introduce Istanbul-like modern traffic system in the Punjab capital and other cities of the country.

According to a press release issued here Saturday, he visited the Transport Authority Istanbul and was welcomed by its director general and other senior officers. Brochlor informed him that there was coordinated and computerised public transport system in Istanbul that included 4,837 buses, trams, metro and other public transport. He said the computerised cards introduced for using public transport could also be used as credit cards in shops and restaurants.

He said senior citizens and students enjoy special facility in public transport and the city has an ancient public transport system and still 136-year-old tram is being used and people travel through it. He added that to keep this system operational, transport authority had 9,000 employees. He apprised Nawaz of Transport Operate System and travelled with Nawaz in 136-year-old tram. Nawaz thanked Brochlor and urged him to send a high-level delegation to Lahore so that modern traffic system could also be introduced in Lahore on the pattern of Istanbul. Brochlor accepted this request and said after Eidul Azha, the delegation would visit Lahore and make planning regarding modernisation of transport sector.

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