‘bankrolled by corporate intelligence firm and Israel lobbyist’

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Adam Werritty: Liam Fox’s friend ‘bankrolled by corporate intelligence firm and Israel lobbyist’

Adam Werritty, the Defence Secretary’s unofficial “adviser”, was funded by a corporate intelligence company and the chairman of an Israeli lobbying organisation, documents have disclosed.

PojuBy Robert Winnett, Deputy Political Editor

Mr Werritty is reported to have paid for travel around the world from a company that received funds from G3 Good Governance Group and Tamares Real Estate, an investment company owned by Poju Zabloudowicz, the chairman of Bicom.

Jon Moulton, a venture capitalist, is also said to have provided money to Pargav Ltd, the firm which is alleged to have bankrolled Mr Werritty.

Over the past few days, speculation has mounted as to how Mr Werritty was able to join Liam Fox on more than 20 overseas trips including official visits, conferences and holidays.

It has now emerged that six different people and companies each paid up to £35,000 to Pargav since last year.

Mr Werritty is said to have withdrawn more than £140,000 from Pargav’s bank account to fund his travel around the world to meet up with Dr Fox, The Times reported.

The disclosure is likely to put Dr Fox under growing pressure as those previously close to the pair become increasingly alarmed at Mr Werritty’s activities.

Mr Zabloudowicz is the head of Bicom, a prominent organisation which promotes Israeli-British relations. His companies have also donated money to the Conservative Party and he is a supporter of David Cameron.

Last night, he confirmed donating £3,000 to Pargav.

A spokesman said: “For many years, Poju Zabludowicz has helped fund not-for-profit organisations, not individuals, due to his passion for the promotion of peace and understanding between peoples in the United States, Europe and the Middle East.”

G3, a company that specialises in international security and risk management, has previous links with Dr Fox in connection with his attempts to help with the reconstruction of Sri Lanka. The firm is thought to have donated £15,000 to Pargav.

Earlier this week, The Daily Telegraph disclosed that Mr Werritty had being working out of the offices of Michael Hintze, a hedge fund tycoon and donor to the Conservative Party. Oliver Hylton, an adviser to Mr Hintze is the sole director of Pargav.

Mr Hylton and Mr Hintze are now apparently attempting to distance themselves from Mr Werritty and are thought to believe they asked more questions of Dr Fox’s friend and best man.

Last night, Mr Hylton told The Times: “He [Mr Werritty] came into my office and said I want to set up a new company. It sounds ridiculously niave, in hindsight, but I agreed. I signed the documents and nothing more.

“I saw Adam as an adviser [to Dr Fox] of some sort. Anything he did was for the good of Liam Fox and supporting his office. Adam is a good and honest man.”

Asked about Pargav, a spokesman for the Defence Secretary said: “Adam Werritty does not work for the Defence Secretary as an official or unofficial adviser.”

www.telegraph.co.uk, 14 Oct 2011

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