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We regret Sarkozy’s statements on 1915 – Turkish MFA

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ISTANBUL. – Turkey’s MFA released a statement in connection with French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s declarations made in Armenia.

77166The statement notes that Turkish MFA receives Sarkozy’s words with astonishment and regret, Zaman daily of Turkey writes. “The French people will assess as to the degree such declarations, which are based on election calculations, correspond to French democracy, cultural and state traditions. Even though this problem, with respect to that painful time period in our joint history with the Armenians, is not discussed in several countries which are, or are not, parties, this can freely be discussed in Turkey.

Turkey will continue the constructive approaches toward improving Armenian-Turkish relations and finding avenues to resolve the events of 1915,” Turkish MFA’s statement reads.

During his state-level visit to Armenia, French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated that, if Turkey found strength in itself and reviewed its history, France would not pass the law criminalizing Armenian Genocide’s denial.

Turkey’s FM Ahmet Davutoglu and Minister for EU Affairs Egemen Bagis had immediately reacted to Sarkozy’s statement.

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