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Turkey’s EU Minister inaugurates Berlin office of MUSIAD

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Turkey’s EU Minister inaugurates Berlin office of MUSIAD

egemen bagis

Speaking at the ceremony, Bagis said that MUSIAD, as a civil society organization, has made crucial contributions to the development of Turkey since the 1990s.

Turkish Minister for European Union (EU) Affairs and Chief Negotiator, Egemen Bagis, attended a ceremony to inaugurate the Berlin office of the Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (MUSIAD) on Saturday.

Speaking at the ceremony, Bagis said that MUSIAD, as a civil society organization, has made crucial contributions to the development of Turkey since the 1990s.

I have been impressed by the visionary stance of MUSIAD, Bagis said.

Turks living in Germany are proud of Turkey’s achievements. Yet we must do better than that. We need to work together. We need to provide better education to our children. As individuals among the most respected communities of Germany, as individuals who speak German fluently, as individuals who understand the German culture best, and as individuals who have succeeded in full integration without being assimilated, we, the Turks, can contribute more to the development of Germany, Bagis also said.


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