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On the tenth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, the Turkish Embassy commemorates the victims from more than 90 countries, including Turkey, who lost their lives. As one of the countries that has suffered most  from the scourge of terrorism, Turkey shares the profound grief of the friendly people of the United States of America.

On this occasion, we also remember the victims of the many other acts of terrorism against the Turkish citizens, Turkish security forces and Turkish diplomats in Turkey and abroad, as well as other peaceful and innocent people around the world.

On September 11, a Turkish citizen, Mr. Zühtü İbiş, fell victim to ferocious terrorist attack in the World Trade Center with many others in New York.

On November 15 and 20, 2003, 58 people were killed and more than 1,000 were wounded as the result of three separate Al-Qaida related terrorist attacks in Istanbul.

Turkey has been one of the leading countries in the fight against international terrorism. In this context, Turkey has stood firmly, shoulder to shoulder with American people on September 11, 2001. Turkey has also been a reliable partner in international community’s efforts to eradicate the roots of terrorism and extremism worldwide.

Together with the international community, Turkey is determined to continue its fight against all forms of terrorism, including the most violent attacks of the PKK terrorist organization, which claimed the lives of more than 30,000 Turkish citizens.

Appropriately, then, Turkey will be one of the two co-chairs of the Global Counterterrorism Forum, together with the United States, which will be launched officially during the United Nations General Assembly meetings later in the month in New York.

Today, while we remember our victims together and remain vigilant in our fight against terrorism, we should at the same time embrace, understand, tolerate and empathize with each other more than ever regardless of our national, religious or ethnic identities.

Namık Tan

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  1. Educational Events !!!
    Bulamaç ve eşek adalarının yunanlılar tarafından sessizce işgal edildiğini biliyormusunuz?Kardak kayalıklarından sökülüp atılan yunanlı bugün ada işgal etmekte ama işbirlikçi zihniyet hala sesini çıkarmamakta,halkın haberi bile olmamakta.

    Anti-moses jews inc.Flarmonic orchestra + ( plus ) anti- jesus christians inc.Flarmonic orchestra = ( equals to ) THE SEYTAN ( the Lucifier – The Lucifier Virus = Seytan Mikrobu )

  2. Corrections :
    ATA “nin ciftliginde oturup ta ATA ” nin Nutuklarini Okuyamamanin ve dolayisiyla ezberleyememenin ve Uygulayamamanin Sonuclarindan biri olan PKK related victimized Turkish citizens are Totaling well over than 50 thousands not 30 thousands ….Please MAKE NOTE OF IT

    P.S; How about making ATA “s Speeches CD or DVD or IPAD and give-away !!!

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