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‘Muslim countries should not advance NATO’s interests’

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TEHRAN – Iranian MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi has advised Muslim countries in the region not to take measures that would serve the interests of the NATO alliance.

brojerdiBoroujerdi, who is the chairman of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, made the remarks in an interview with the Mehr News Agency published on Sunday in reference to the fact that Turkey has agreed to host an early warning radar as part of NATO’s missile defense system, which is ostensibly meant to counter an alleged ballistic missile threat from Iran.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry announced on September 2 that negotiations over NATO’s anti-missile shield had reached “their final stages.”

However, Turkey did not say when or where the U.S. early warning radar would be stationed, according to the Guardian.

Boroujerdi said, “Muslim countries should maintain security in the region through reliance on their capabilities and cooperation and should not allow a situation to develop where insecurity prevails in the region and NATO’s interests in the region are served by Muslim countries.”

He added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran has the necessary capability to safeguard its security,” and such measures will not deter it.

“NATO not only does not contribute to regional security but is also a major source of insecurity in the region,” Boroujerdi stated.

“NATO’s intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq illustrated the fact that NATO is only pursuing its own interests in the region.

“NATO’s intervention in Libya also proved that NATO has no respect for Muslim countries,” Boroujerdi added.

via ‘Muslim countries should not advance NATO’s interests’ – Tehran Times.

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