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Will beach explosions make Turkey less popular?

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15 people, including 7 Russians, were injured during an explosion at a beach in the Turkish city of Kemer on Sunday.

Photo: RIA Novosti
Photo: RIA Novosti

Mostly, these are slight injuries, which were caused by pebble-stones scatted by the explosion.

Out of these 7 Russians, 3 are already back from hospital, and 4 are still in hospital.

A similar incident took place in another Antalya resort, Konyaaltı,on August 26, when a grenade exploded at a beach. Nobody was killed or wounded. Some people faded, but immediately received medical help.

It still cannot be said for sure was caused the explosion at the Kemer beach. At first, it was supposed that a gas balloon exploded in a nearby restaurant. Then, another version appeared, that it was also a grenade which had been dug by someone in the sand.

Kemer has always been a calm resort, and it used to be very popular with Russians. But now, experts are afraid that Russians may start to refrain from going there – though the Russian Foreign Ministry hasn’t made any official warnings against visiting the resort.

Press secretary of the Russian association of tourist agencies Irina Tyurina says:

“I don’t think that there will be a massive return of money to tourists by tourist agencies. Of course, agencies have no right just not to return money to clients without any compensation. They would either suggest them to postpone the trip or to choose another resort.”

It looks like for some time past, Russian tourists in Turkey are becoming victims of bad luck. Recently, several Russian tourists were poisoned to death by adulterated whiskey which they drank during a yacht trip. Police have already arrested the yacht’s owner and the whiskey’s suppliers. Some other Russian tourists in Antalya have been poisoned – fortunately, not to death – by something they had eaten. However, this didn’t make Turkey’s resorts less popular with Russians – probably because these resorts are rather cheap and comparatively close to Russia.

via Will beach explosions make Turkey less popular?: Voice of Russia.

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