Turkey did not sponsor Gaza flotilla

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The aid convoy for Gaza organized in May 2010 was a humanitarian initiative with people from more than 30 countries (including the United States and Israel) in ships sailing under the flags of several nations. While there were private Turkish citizens among participants, the flotilla was not organized or even encouraged by the Turkish government, asDanny Danon conjures without evidence (“Why Turkey should apologize to Israel,” Commentary, Aug. 15). Quite the contrary.

Ambassador Namik TanNine people lost their lives when Israeli commandos used excessive, lethal force and violated all established norms of international law by attacking the convoy in the international waters of the Mediterranean, as the U.N. Human Rights Council’s fact-finding mission concluded in its report on the incident. Eight of the nine killed were Turkish citizens, and one was an American citizen of Turkish descent.

As any country – including Israel – would be, Turkey was shattered by the loss of its citizens. We also were shocked that for the first time in our history, our citizens were killed by a foreign armed force during peacetime. What has increased our sorrow is that this deplorable action was caused by a country Turkey has long considered a friend.

Turkey rightly asks for a formal apology and appropriate compensation to the families of those killed. These acts will never fully ease the pain the families and the Turkish people feel, but they are essential to the normalization of relations, from which both Turkey and Israel benefit.

It is meaningful that Mr. Danon, rather than supporting the efforts to leave this incident behind, is appealing to audiences in the United States and that he defines the essential ingredients of normalization as acts of humiliation. He does not recognize that rather than humiliation, these steps represent the cornerstones of civility upon which any strong friendship rests.


Ambassador to the United States

Republic of Turkey



The Washington Times


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2 responses to “Turkey did not sponsor Gaza flotilla”

  1. Vdemirw Avatar

    So.WHAT !!! Turkish goverment stop being nice to the anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians and their organizations to the enforcing their illegal choke-hold to the world such as under NATO ,UN,IMF .WORLD BANK etc. Which are spopnsering ,aiding Guns to the labeled as rebels ( THE TERORISTS ) DIOVIDING NATIONS around the world to make new contracts and suck-in the natural resorces under the false names of the Democracy and freedom and connig the world.
    Anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians has no SHAME of their illigal activities around the world . SO, Turkish Goverment WHY and WHAT shame you feel against them EVEN IF YOU DID SO !!!

    Anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians are meditating in UN with BUDISTS members and some third world country bribed nations to pass their illigal acts and rest of the members ARE THE PUSSY-CATS to follow that crap and Pay membership and the costs of the anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians . From the Budist countries and the third world countries Anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians GETTING MARRIED PREFERABLY and USING THEM LIKE SLAVE WIFES TOO.

  2. Vdemirw Avatar

    According to the anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians DAILY LIFE THE APOLLOGIZE IS MEANINGLESS and it is not VALID thing in this earth….. You can not eat or you can not toch it etc.
    Apolllige is ONLY is VALID in the HELL !!! Which is going to be folded in twice and stciked-in the ASS to the anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians DIRECTLY and THERE IS NO BUFFER ZONE EITHER !!! and thrown in to the hell alltogether …..YOU KNOW they are repeading this daily and using repeaditly the word (( Excuseme …. I am sorry …. I do apoligize …. AND DOING AGAIN like havig cvoffe-brakes !!! ) SO. DO NOT BE FOOLED AGAIN AND AGAIN and DO NOT COUNT ON and expecting THESE CANING WORDS AT ALL )

    JUST LEARN HOW TO WRITE, READ, and PERFORM the ATA ‘s S{PEECHESS (( Rules and Regulations ) in the ATA ‘s Farmville and DO NOT KEEP CHANGING the Laws at the request of the anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians TO MAKE FUN WITH YOU …. You KNOW the ATA’ s Farmville Speechees is NUMBER ONE DEMOCRACY in The WORLD. and the Turks and the TURCICH NATIONS and the WORLDS NUMBER one enemy is anti-moses jews and the anti-jesus christians and KNOW YOUR ENEMY which is not UNIDENTFY THROGH-OUT in Turks Human HISTORY

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