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Yusuf Halacoglu: Turkey and Azerbaijan come closer as Sargsyan admits occupation

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“The recent processes show how wrong Turkey’s policy of rapprochement with Armenia was”

YusufHalachoqlu300310Istanbul. Mayis Alizadeh – APA. “Encouraged by some actions of the separatists in Turkey, Armenia has recently made senseless statements. But one must not forget that Turkey is not a weak country that will give way to the separatists and senseless Armenian claims,” former head of Turkish Historical Society, parliamentarian from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), professor Yusuf Halacoglu told APA’s Turkey bureau.

He said Armenia does not know what to do.

“The US does not support Armenia concerning “genocide” any more, because the US needs Turkey more in order to solve the problems in the Middle East. Therefore, Armenia’s “Agri Dagh illusions” are meaningless. These processes show how wrong Turkey’s policy of rapprochement with Armenia was. Actually, these processes strengthen the relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan. Maybe it is for the better. So, let them make senseless statements. One of the major issues is that Azerbaijan should benefit from this situation. Azerbaijan should complete the development of its economy. You know that economic power of a country means its political power. In this respect, Azerbaijan, which is strengthening its economy, is on the right way. Every country, which is in danger of economic collapse, sooner or later feels the need for its neighbors. For example Greece, they sell islands. Armenia will be in worse condition. Armenia has problems with all of its neighbors with which it could establish economic relations – with the exception of Iran. There is a need to establish new joint organizations. Enhancement of the relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan is of great importance in this respect,” he said.

via APA – Yusuf Halacoglu: Turkey and Azerbaijan come closer as Sargsyan admits occupation.

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