‘Istanbul has the best nightlife’

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I don’t like to ‘over plan’ my holidays — I like having an itinerary in place, but like to go with the flow and explore different aspects of a place. There is no better way to truly discover a place than to interact with the locals. And I believe that one shouldn’t always go by what travel guides tell you.

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My company during trips depends on the place I am travelling to. There have been places that I have been to all by myself, but most holidays are usually planned with either friends or family. I’m all for the outdoors and am a complete water baby. Goa is often a quick getaway with friends. So very often when I plan holidays, I pick places close to the beach.

When I travel for work, how much I get to see of the place depends on the amount of work I have. Often, I travel to cities for just a day and never get to sample anything more than the food. But if I am in a place for an extended period of time, I go sightseeing, check out the night life, shop and try the local food. I shot for Game in Istanbul and it was my first trip to Turkey and it tops my list of the most fascinating places I have ever been to. The city is a confluence between the East and the West and this is evident in everything ranging from the architecture to the food. The people were very warm and friendly and were completely in love with Bollywood films.

I would like to visit Cappadocia which is close by and perhaps combine it with a trip to Greece.

Istanbul has the best night life that anyone travelling from India would love. Most people travel to Istanbul expecting to see just a historical city with great shopping opportunities, but would be surprised to see just how vibrant the nightlife in the city is. From the traditional birahanes, meyhanes to international standard night clubs — the diversity is amazing. The food there is also amazing. The lamb kebabs are my favourite and I love the local tea as well.

Wherever I go I love trying the local food. So if I am in Hyderabad it has to be the biryani, the Goan chorizo sausages, Phad Thai noodles in Bangkok and the vadaa pav and pav bhaji in Mumbai.

If one is planning a trip to Turkey, they must ensure that they have at least seven days on hand to visit Istanbul and Cappadocia. The beautiful hand-crafted jewellery is not to be missed and one must travel light as often you end up shopping a lot in Istanbul.

As told to Hemant Abhishek

via ‘Istanbul has the best nightlife’ | Deccan Chronicle.

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