Ancient stone lion found in Turkey

Excavations at Tell Tayinat, Turkey
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A team of archeologists from the University of Toronto has found 2,800-year old stone lion during excavations at Turkey’s Tell Tayinat ancient site.

Excavations at Tell Tayinat, Turkey
Excavations at Tell Tayinat, Turkey

Led by Tim Harrison, the team discovered the beautifully carved lion while excavating a temple at the site, Unreported Heritage News reported.

The lion is nearly four feet tall and appears to be roaring. Experts have dated it to the time when Tayinat was the capital of a small independent kingdom, called Palastin, which vanished when the Assyrians under Tiglath-pileser III conquered the city in 738 BCE.

Tayinat was revived 3,200 years ago when Middle Eastern civilizations were invaded by people of the Aegean known as the “Sea People.”

Similar lion statues were also found by Robert Braidwood during his Tayinat excavations in the 1930’s.


via PressTV – Ancient stone lion found in Turkey.

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