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Iran’s potential should be used to settle Mideast problems

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Iran’s potential should be used to settle Mideast problems: Turkey

Tehran Times Political Desk

02 EP40TEHRAN — Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said that Iran’s significant potential should be utilized to help resolve problems facing the Middle East.

Davutoglu made the remarks during a meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran late on Monday.

“Today, the significant potential of the Islamic Republic of Iran should be used to help resolve the problems facing the Middle East region,” Davutoglu stated.

He also described Iran as an “influential” country on the regional stage.

Davutoglu added, “Today, the Islamic world is undergoing a special crisis, and Iran and Turkey shoulder a heavy responsibility at this juncture.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Turkish foreign minister described relations between Iran and Turkey as good, adding, “Tehran-Ankara cooperation would help settle problems in the region and would bring sustainable security to the region.”

Ahmadinejad stated, “Enemies are concerned and unhappy about close relations between Iran and Turkey because they think that would harm their interests and serve the interests of regional nations.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ahmadinejad advised regional countries to remain vigilant in the face of outsiders’ plots, particularly those hatched by the United States, adding foreign intervention will take its toll on regional countries.

“Regional states should be watchful and not help implement the intrigues devised by the United States, which are meant to improve its economic situation and save the Zionist regime,” he said.

He added, “Efforts should be made to restrain this fake regime, and any action taken in line with (attempts to serve) the interests of this regime would be suicidal.”

Davutoglu also held talks with Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani late on Monday

via tehran times : Iran’s potential should be used to settle Mideast problems: Turkey.

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