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Turkey’s U.S. ambassador issues statement supporting Jazz’s Kanter

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Namik Tan, Turkey’s ambassador to the United States, issued a statement about the Jazz drafting Enes Kanter.

“The Utah Jazz’ selection of Enes Kanter extends the rich bilateral basketball relationship between the United States and Turkey. Enes becomes the sixth Turk to currently play in the NBA, joining Hedo Turkoglu, Mehmet Okur, Semih Erden, Omer Asik and Ersan Ilyasova. As a country, Turkey is proud of its basketball roots and its growing ranks in the NBA.

“I’m confident Enes has all of the tools to be a great player in the NBA for many years to come and I’m looking forward to watching him play when he comes through Washington. I would like to extend my congratulations to Enes and his family on this terrific honor. Kudos as well to the Utah Jazz on a very wise selection.”

Brian T. Smith

Twitter: @tribjazz

via Turkey’s U.S. ambassador issues statement supporting Jazz’s Kanter | Utah Jazz Notes | The Salt Lake Tribune.

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