Mayor Topbas Meets UN Secretary General

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Turkey’s Istanbul city’s metropolitan mayor Kadir Topbas met United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in New York on Monday.

Holding a press conference after the meeting, Topbas said that he offered to organize a conference about the role of cities in the development of countries, and Ban was positive about the offer.

Topbas, who is also the head of United Cities & Local Governments (UCLG), said that he had held meetings with Ban for three times since February 10, and the meetings had been very positive.

We have exchanged views with Ban about the importance of local administrations in implementing UN Millennium Development Goals, said Topbas.

I also conveyed Ban the importance UCLG attaches in the development of world as well as the local diplomacy among cities, and also the determination to work with UN in this issue, added Topbas.

He said that Ban would extend support to UCLG in this issue.

Ban was also positive towards our demand to set up a central regional organization of the UN in Istanbul, said Topbas.

Topbas said that he would proceed to Rabat on Tuesday and attend UCLG meeting, and tell about their efforts to make local administrations more active.

via Mayor Topbas Meets UN Secretary General, 21 June 2011 Tuesday 9:28.

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