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Turkey to vote for PA recognition in UN

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Ankara’s Abdullah Gül tells Japanese publication his country will support unilateral Palestinian bid in September

ANK109 aTurkey will vote for a UN resolution to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state, Turkish President Abdullah Gül said Thursday.

“We hope that an independent Palestine (is) established based on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital,” Gül was quoted by the Japanese newspaper Nikkei.

“We are among the strongest supporters of Palestine,” he also said.

Israel and the United States object a unilateral UN bid by the Palestinians. Washington has urged the Palestinian Authority and to avoid any unilateral steps that could jeopardize a final peace settlement.

Gül said there is “no doubt” that Turkey would vote for the resolution.

In a recent speech at the UN Security Council, Turkey’s Ambassador to the UN Ertuğrul Apakan stated Ankara’s support for the Palestinian’s move: “Through their state building efforts, the Palestinian Authority has proven to all the skeptics that they deserve to attain their decades-long target of internationally recognized statehood, even though they continue to suffer under occupation.”

via Turkey to vote for PA recognition in UN – Israel News, Ynetnews.

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