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The number of Russians in Turkey increased by 64%

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Posted by Nadezda Basyrova on Jun 15, 2011 in Tourism News • No comments

turkeyThe total number of the Russian citizens in Turkey increased by 64% in April 2011 in comparison with April 2010 and amounted to 171 thousand people. According to ATOR Analytical Service such indicator is the best one for April of all the years of the trips of the Russians to Turkey with the increase of 62 thousand people in comparison with 2008. The opening of Egypt in April didn’t result the decrease of tourist flow to Turkey. According to the experts, the crisis in Egypt wasn’t the only reason of the growth of the tourist flow from Russia to Turkey in April 2011. It’s known that starting from April 16, 2011 the visa abolition agreement between Russia and Turkey came into force. It’s considered that such factor in the aggregate with outflow of some potential tourists from Egypt favoured the considerable increase of the tourists in Turkey. The total number of the tourists from the beginning of the year indicates the records as well. The total tourist flow of the Russians to Turkey increased by 56% during 4 months of 2011 if to compare with the same period of 2010. About 350.5 thousand Russians visited Turkey during the first 4 months of 2011. Such indicator is the best one during such period for all the years of the Russian tourism. The most popular cities of Turkey in April among the foreigners were Antalya (735 thousand tourists) and Istanbul (695 thousand tourists).



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