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Achievements of Kazakhstan highly appraised in Turkey

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The conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh-Turkish relations was held in Istanbul. The conference was organized by the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Turkey.

Kazakh Ambassador to Turkey Zhanseit Tuimebayev told about the achievements of Kazakhstan in political, socio-economic, cultural-humanitarian and other spheres that had been accomplished by Kazakhstan over the years of independence and about the relations with Turkey developing in the strategic partnership mode.

The participants of the conference highly appraised the pace of development of Kazakhstan in so many spheres and processes of modernization democratization of society.

The grand ceremony of awarding prizes to prominent figures, politicians and representatives of business community of Turkey for contribution to development and strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the two countries was organized within the framework of the event.

via – Achievements of Kazakhstan highly appraised in Turkey.

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