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Application from abroad to Turkish imam hatip schools increases

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A new imam hatip high school will be opened in Istanbul to educate foreign students for foreign students.

The number of foreign students, who apply to study at imam hatip high schools in Turkey, is rising.

Even a new imam hatip high school will be opened in Istanbul to educate foreign students.

alasehir imam hatip lisesi me1

National Education Ministry and Religious Affairs Foundation of Turkey initiated a project in 2006 which aims to meet the need for religious officials of Turks living in Balkans, Caucasus and

Central Asia as well as the countries where Muslims are living. The project also targets to set up a sound and permanent dialogue and friendship bridge between Turkey and these countries.

The applications have started for the foreign students who want to study at imam hatip high schools. The applications will be made at embassies or attache offices till July or August.

Students from 71 countries including Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Togo, Ecuador, Chad, Gabon, Senegal, Mali, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia applied to enroll in imam hatip high schools this year. The quota is 250.

Imam hatip high schools were originally founded in lieu of a vocational school to train government employed imams; after madrasas in Turkey were abolished by the Unification of Education Act (Tevhid-i Tedrisat Law) as a part of Ataturk’s reforms. However, unlike other vocational schools, their curricula contained just as much arts and science classes as normal high schools.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also graduated from one of these schools.



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