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Dink’s murderer accused Turkish media

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By at 26 May, 2011, 1:25 pm

The forth session of the court trial on Hrant Dink’s murder took place yesterday in Istanbul. Remind, Hrant Dink was the founder and editor-in-chief of the Armenian-Turkish weekly “Agos”.

Note, Ogyun Samast, the suspected for the Dink’s murder, is judged at the court of minors by the decision made on October, 2010. This means the murderer will be punished softer.

Samast has accused Turkish media during the court trial and said the publications by “Hurriet” and “Vatan” made him hate Armenians, Turkish “Sondakika” informs. “The leaders of these dailies are guilty. Where are they now? Why did they publish such materials?”

The next session will take place on June 17.


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