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New Atatürk memorabilia on display at Istanbul’s Rahmi M. Koç Museum

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ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News

new ataturk objects in rahmi m. koc museum 2011 05 19 l

New Atatürk memorabilia on display at Istanbul’s Rahmi M. Koç Museum

The Rahmi M. Koç Museum in Istanbul has added new displays to its section featuring objects related to the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

The addition was made to coincide with the May 19 Youth and Sports Day, which marks the date in 1919 when Atatürk launched the struggle for national independence.

As well as photos that have never before been revealed and March 1923 and February 1927 issues of TIME magazine featuring Atatürk on the cover, objects from Atatürk’s office, his personal belongings and clothing are among the new objects added to the section.

Among the never-seen-before photos of Atatürk, there are ones showing him working on the Yürüyen Köşk in Istanbul’s Yalova district and enjoying special moments drinking tea with his friends. There is also a carpet on which Atatürk is depicted thinking in Çanakkale’s Kocatepe.

Other new objects in the section include a souvenir Atatürk moneybox, cigarettes specially produced for state officials and figures symbolizing the War of the Independence that adorned desks in state departments until the 1970s.

via New Atatürk memorabilia on display at Istanbul’s Rahmi M. Koç Museum – Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review.

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