Knesset to discuss Armenian Genocide amid deteriorating Turkey ties – Genocide

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Israel Knesset

A motion by the Meretz party to direct the Israeli Knesset’s education committee to discuss a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide was unanimously approved on Wednesday, reported, citing the Armenian National Committee of Jerusalem.

The motion presented by Meretz delegate Zahava Gal-On also received the support of government representatives who voted for the proposal.

In the past the Knesset said that a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide should be debated by the parliament’s defense and foreign relations committee. That committee holds its meetings behind closed doors and concerns have been voiced that under such circumstances, the committee could propose to not consider the motion.

During the more than 30 minute debate on the Knesset floor, various party members expressed their views on the resolution.

Meanwhile, Israel’s leading Haaretz daily wrote that many in Israel see the move in the Knesset as a further sign of Tel-Aviv’s deteriorating ties with long-time ally Turkey.

“Israel has long evaded a public discussion of the 1915-era killings of Armenians by Turkish forces, also avoiding calling the attack ‘genocide’, out of fears of disrupting its long-standing diplomatic and military alliance with Turkey… However, in what seems to be another sign of worsening Jerusalem-Ankara ties, the Knesset moved to hold the first public discussion on the Armenian Genocide,” stressed the Israeli paper.

via Knesset to discuss Armenian Genocide amid deteriorating Turkey ties – Genocide |

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