Confronting anti-Muslim hatred

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21 May 2011

A conference on anti-Muslim hatred throughout Britain and Europe.

  • Saturday 21 May 2011, 11-6pm
  • London Muslim Centre Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JX

Speakers include:

  • John Esposito – Georgetown University
  • Tony Benn – Anti-war campaigner
  • Mehdi Hassan – New Statesman
  • Robert Lambert – European Muslim Research Centre
  • Hiba Aburwein – European Forum on Muslim Women
  • Peter Oborne – Daily Telegraph
  • Liz Fekete – Institute of Race Relations
  • Seumas Milne – The Guardian
  • Salma Yaqoob – Respect
  • Dr Sabine Schiffer – Germany
  • Dr AbdoolKarim Vakil – Muslim Council of Britain
  • Les Levidow – Campaign Against Criminalising Communities
  • And many others
This is a free event but booking is advisable, for further information, email: [email protected] or phone 020 7650 3006.

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