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Mass appeal for bin Laden at Irish church

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By MARK HILLIARD in Dublin, Ireland, and BOB FREDERICKS in NY

The name alone got their Irish up.

A Catholic church in Ireland has provoked outrage among its parishioners after announcing plans for a Mass to pray for the “soul” of Osama bin Laden.

The Church of the Assumption in the affluent Dublin suburb of Howth distributed a leaflet to parishioners during its Sunday services that included details of the service.

Listed under “Mass Intentions” for Thursday in the church pamphlet distributed yesterday was a call to prayer for “Osama Bin Laden (Recently Deceased)” during that day’s 10 a.m. Mass.

Parishioners were immediately incensed, saying the idea of praying for the al Qaeda leader was an “insult,” particularly with the upcoming visit of President Obama to Ireland.

“I was disgusted. I have family in America who would be disgusted,” said one regular Mass-goer. “The Irish-Americans would be absolutely horrified, as if we are on the wrong side.”

The church attempted to play down the scandal yesterday, saying the request was probably taken down in a hurry and that the matter remained undecided.

However, the parish note was removed from the Web site and it remains unclear whether the service will go ahead as scheduled for 10 a.m. Thursday., May 9, 2011

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