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Serbia to send member of Kurdish Hezbollah to Turkey

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Source: Tanjug

BELGRADE — Interior Minister Ivica Dačić says a member of the Kurdish Hezbollah, arrested yesterday, will be sent to Turkey if that country requests his extradition.

Serbian MUP officers are seen with Tamak after his arrest (Tanjug)
Serbian MUP officers are seen with Tamak after his arrest (Tanjug)

Serbian MUP officers are seen with Tamak after his arrest (Tanjug)

Ajdan Tamak was arrested while he was hiding in a truck at the Horgoš border crossing between Serbia and Hungary.

He is currently held by the border police, it was revealed.

Dačić said that the Turkish Interpol stated that Tamak was sentenced to life in prison “for committing several terrorist acts”, and that he was wanted on charges of being a member of “the terrorist group (known as) Turkish or Kurdish Hezbollah”.

The Serbian police arrested Tamak and another person as they were trying to illegally cross the border and leave Serbia early on Friday.

According to reports, Interpol offices in Serbia and Turkey collaborated in this case.

via B92 – News – Serbia to send member of Kurdish Hezbollah to Turkey.

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