Turkish Lesson 12

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Lesson 12


The verbs – Fiiller


When we talk about the verbs we put –mak or -mek at the end of the stem. When we search for the verbs in the dictionary we need to search them with – mak, -mek.


Examples; gelmek, gitmek, yazmak, söylemek, koşmak, oturmak, konuşmak, sigara içmek, yüzmek, dans etmek, uyumak, uyanmak, rüya görmek, almak, vermek, içmek, yemek.


But the stem for these verbs would be gel, git, yaz, söyle, koş, otur, konuş, sigara iç, yüz, dans et, uyu, uyan, rüya gör, al, ver, iç, ye.

Same rule for the vowel harmony;

If the last vowel in the verb is a, ı, o, u  we bring -mak

If the last vowel in the verb is e, i, ö, ü  we bring –mek. But you know that already.


I have a tip for you:

e with the vowels with dots over them i,ö,ü


a with the vowels without the dots ı, o, u.


If you just use the stem on its own, then it is considered as a command which we studied in the previous lessons.


Ex; Ali, buraya gel.               Ali, come here.

Sezen, su getir.                Sezen, bring some water.

Chloe, şarkı söyle.          Chloe, sing a song.


However when we make sentences using tenses like present tense, past tense, future tense, we will use the stem of the verbs and then add the appropriate suffix at the end of the stem.


In Turkish the verb goes at the end of the sentence. There is some exceptions to that. We call them “Inverted Sentences” which are mostly used in the songs or to make the speech more interesting and more beautiful. We do not need to worry about it yet.


Let’s make some sentences to get you prepared for the next lessons. Do not worry about the suffixes. This is only for you to be familiar with the word order.


Ayşen bugün bize geldi.                 Ayşen came to us today.

Michael şimdi yüzüyor.                 Michael is swimming now.

Ben odamda süt içiyorum.             I am drinking milk in my room.

Onlar dün İstanbul’a gitti(ler).      They went to Istanbul yesterday.

Ben mektup yazıyorum.                 I am writing a letter.

David bahçede bisiklet sürdü.       David rode his bike in the garden.


Ben geçen yaz Londra maratonunda koştum.

(I ran at the London Marathon last summer.)


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