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Expert: Washington brushes aside anything that can harm relations with Turkey

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minassianPanARMENIAN.Net – Gaidz Minassian, associate researcher at the Foundation of Strategic Research, said that the agreement between Turkey and Brazil on Iran, in 2010, opened a new stage of negotiations between the U.S. and Turkey.

“For Washington, Iran has become a strategic priority. In Ankara, the Iranian issue allows it to strengthen its regional influence among Muslims states,” Minassian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter.

“Turks and Americans have thus found a common ground to cooperate on the Iranian problem. That is why Washington brushes aside anything that can harm relations with Turkey. Other issues are secondary, including the Armenian Genocide. Hence, the burial of resolution H.Res 252 in the U.S. Congress, the appointment of Francis J. Ricciardone as the U.S. ambassador to Turkey despite the Senate hold, Americans’ confidence of the ratification of the protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia and the statements by Barack Obama on April 24 without the Genocide word are part of U.S. strategic partnership with Turkey,” he said.

via Expert: Washington brushes aside anything that can harm relations with Turkey – PanARMENIAN.Net.

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