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British Expats in Turkey

London double decker bus during the protests for Israeli strikes

London double decker bus during the protests for Israeli strikes

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Following the bilateral consular meeting that was held back in December with the Turkish authorities, the Turkish Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs have confirmed that there will be permit fees for British Nationals in Turkey, it has been agreed with the British Ambassador’s request to reduce the permit fee to $80/60 Euros a year as from the first of April, the fees will be charged as followed, the first month will be charged at $25 and then $5 for each month subsequent after.

Further information can be obtained from the Alien’s dept. in your local area. The Turkish Government have been thanked for listening to concerns and its hope that British nationals will take advantage of the reduced rate and continue to regularise their stay in Turkey.

Turkish Visa System

The British Embassy have continued to ask for an expiry date to be placed on visa stickers and have pointed out how confusing British Nationals find it to receive visa stickers that state they are valid for 90/180 days which are actually just for 90 days. They have continued to ask for a notification period of 3 months in advance, Turkish authorities have not set a date for the implementation of this 90/180 day visa.

The British Embassy would like to make it clear to all Brits travelling to Turkey and gaining a holiday visa that you should be sure to leave within 90 days of the date of first issue. If you leave within 90 days and then re-enter Turkey and your stay will exceed the 90 days from the date it was issued you must buy a new visa, If you don’t you are at risk of overstaying and may be given a fine or even a ban from re-entering Turkey in the future.

The British Embassy will be having further meetings with the health authorities to clarify their position in regards to the confusion as to whether the Universal Healthcare Scheme is compulsory for British Residents. For the meantime they advise all British Nationals living overseas to obtain healthcare that covers their needs or have access to funds to cover medical care should they need it.

Property The Ministry of Foreign affairs has assured the British Embassy that the Turkish Government are working towards making buying in Turkey more secure for British Nationals and are reviewing the systematic issues that have affected British Nationals and to have been taken these matters very seriously.

The British Embassy recognise that they cannot get involved in individual disputes but are continuing to do all they can and work with the Turkish Authorities on these matters. Conclusion The British Embassy’s conclusion/feedback states that its clear the Turkish Authorities value the contributions of the British Residents and visitors that make the economy and they are willing to tackle the problems if they can.

This has been proven by the reduction of the Residence Permit Fee and the British Embassy that they are grateful to the community for identifying problems and possible solutions and will continue to meet with the Turkish Authorities and follow up the issues raised and any further issues that affect British Nationals in Turkey. You can find more information regarding this update on offical British Home Office website by visiting , if you like.

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