Russian archives prove the “genocide of Armenians” is international deceit

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bookThe book titled “The Armenian question. In 120 documents from the Russian state archives”, denying the genocide of Armenians and throwing light on many historical events which are differently interpreted by various historians and pseudo-historians, was published in Moscow.

The author of research which includes 120 original and unique documents from the state archives of Russia is the Turkish historian Mehmet Perinchek. In his work, M. Perinchek (since 1998) has collected important documents which are stored only in archives of Russia.

The book states that the Armenian question and other directly connected statements on the genocide of Armenians stand recently among most disputable questions exciting in public minds of Turkey and the whole world. Along with the Turkish and Armenian sides, the major witness of events of the period of 1915-1923s there was imperial, and then the Soviet Russia. From this point of view, the Russian state archives contain such documents which are capable to play a considerable role in the cause of establishment of truth on disputable aspects in the Armenian question.

The basic feature of documents is that “they clearly and conclusively prove that the genocide of Armenians is an international deceit”. The documents clearly prove that in 1915-1920s in region of Transcaucasia, Eastern Anatolia and the so-called Cilicia including regions of Adana and Marash, the Armenian units carried out the policy of annihilation of the Turkic population of Turkey and Azerbaijan, and also the Kurdish population”, the historian marks.

Documents prove that the day before and after the First World War, during clashes both at level of the battling states and separate peoples, there were mutual slaughters. The author comes to several conclusions including such that responsibility for the war between the states and mutual slaughter between Armenians and Moslems lies on the western imperialists and imperial Russia.

“Great powers, aspiring to divide territory of the Ottoman Empire, incited the radical, nationalist Armenian associations to war with Turks. The Ottoman State, the government and the Muslim population in this situation have taken military measures and, having suppressed revolts of the Armenian voluntary groups, have led fair war to protect their Motherland”, the author underlines.

The book includes documents of the imperial period on living conditions of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, origin of the Armenian nationalism and its specificity, the mission assigned to them in the First World War, how the Turkish Armenians became helpers of plans of the imperialists, about the bloody and predatory policy of the Armenian voluntary units, etc. The archives of the Soviet period also provide with significant documents.

The book will, undoubtedly, be serious argument in favor of unbiased interpretation and understanding of history concerning the notorious “Armenian question”.



via Today.Az – Russian archives prove the “genocide of Armenians” is international deceit.

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2 responses to “Russian archives prove the “genocide of Armenians” is international deceit”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    This is a FREE BOOK-MARK ( to be used among the pages NOT TO BE GOT LOST and THE BA CK GROUND MUSIC of THE STORY about THE LUCIFIER etc.)

  2. vdemirw Avatar

    This is from Hurriyet (press)……Ermeni vahşetinin Rus görgü tanığı 24 Mart 2007 A.A. Genelkurmay Başkanlığı, Ermenilerin doğu cephesinde yaptıklarına görgü tanıklığı eden Rus yarbayın günlüğünü yayımladı. Genelkurmay ATASE Başkanlığınca yayımlanan “Gördüklerim Anılarım” adlı anı kitabında, Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında, 1917 yılı sonları ile 1918 yılı ilk aylarında, Erzurum’da 2. Ermeni-Rus Kale Topçu Alay Komutanlığı yapan Rus Yarbay Tverdohlebov’un el yazısıyla tuttuğu günlüğündeki notlarına yer verildi. Rus yarbayın günlüğünde Ermeni vahşetinin boyutları, akıl almaz katliamları gözler önüne serilirken, “Ermeniler oldukça yeteneksiz, asalak, açgözlü, ancak başka bir milletin sırtından geçinebilen bir millet saymak mümkündür” deniliyor. Notlarda, “Ermeni askerler en aşağılık, en adi sınıftan sayılmışlardır. Bunlar, her zaman geri hizmetlerde görev yapmak için gayret göstermişler, cepheden kaçmışlardır” ifadeleri yer alıyor. Türkçe, İngilizce, Fransızca ve orijinalın tıpkı basımı (Rusça) şekliyle hazırlanan kitap, Genelkurmay Başkanlığının internet sitesinde de yayımlandı. Sitede yer alan bilgi notunda, “Gördüklerim ve duyduklarım Ermenilerle ilgili her türlü tahmin ve tasavvur sınırlarını fazlasıyla aşmıştır diyen Yarbay Tverdohlebov’un anıları, Ermeni iddialarına verilebilecek en güzel cevap niteliğindedir” denildi++++

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